.. include:: /includes.rst.txt .. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs .. index:: pair: Configuring ; Advanced Parameters .. _advanced_parameters: Advanced Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 10 70 :class: tight-table * - Parameter - Default - Description * - *Allow Anonymous Access* - false - If no authentication scheme is used and this flag is true, anonymous access with READ and EXECUTE permission is allowed to the application. * - *Teamwork Administrator Role* - none - This special teamwork role (viewer, manager, editor) controls the ability to modify workflow types by downloading and uploading the Workflow Templates file. Assign a security role (such as from LDAP) here. * - *Enable Developer Mode* - true - Controls the availablilty of stack trace information on errors and GraphQL development console. For Production, this may need disabled. * - *Enable SPARQL updates* - false - If true, then the SPARQL end point (servlet) will allow update requests. * - *Timeout on SPARQL Endpoint* - - If not set or 0, SPARQL endpoint has no timeout. Timeout is in milliseconds. If the timeout is reached, the system will throw a CancelQueryException to the user. * - *Enable Fair Locks* - true - If true, then locks taken by TBL will use a first in first out queue, if false then order is less predictable. * - *Longer Stack Traces* - false - Create longer stack traces, adding very large overhead. These are very useful for rapid resolution of certain types of problems. Set this parameter only if requested by TopQuadrant Customer Support. * - *Fail With Error on Design Inconsistency* - false - When a possible software design inconsistency is detected, fail with an error. * - *Disable Auto-Complete Index* - false - If true, disables the in-memory auto-complete index. If set to true, startup time will be faster and memory consumption will be less. However, some auto-complete operations (input fields where you start typing and then suggest matching instances) will be slower and may deliver incomplete results because requests will time out after 5 seconds. * - *OWL-to-SHACL rules graph* - none - The URI of a named graph to use for the OWL-to-SHACL conversion features. Defaults to the graph stored in the file TopBraid/SHACL/owl2shacl.ttl. To restore that default, reset it to http://datashapes.org/owl2shacl instead of just deleting the value. * - *Enable SPARQL Query Management* - false - Enable the query management functionality to monitor currently running queries in the system. * - *Suppress Warnings of Possible Design Inconsistency* - true - When a possible software design inconsistency is detected, and the system is not configured to fail, then suppress the warnings. Setting this parameter to false will result in logged error message of any design inconsistencies. * - *Temporary Graphs Time Out* - 2 - The length of time to wait before a temporary graph can be garbage collected (minutes). * - *Google Maps API Key* - - To enable Google Maps viewing functions in TopBraid, obtain an API key (string) from Google and enter it here. * - *Scheduled Job Thread Count* - - Number of threads available for concurrent execution of scheduled jobs. Default is 3 if not changed. Use this setting with care. There is a high likelihood that as the number of concurrent scheduled jobs increases, the potential for concurrency issues and other related problems increase as well. If, for example, two scheduled jobs are recalculating subscriptions on the same underlying graph, one operation may be blocked by the other – leading to even longer overall execution times and more parked and waiting threads as other scheduled jobs process. This can compound on itself as well.