Using Tasks in EDG

If enabled on the EDG server, the Tasks tab shows all tasks associated with an asset collection. Tasks can be created for an asset in a collection and for an entire collection. In addition to showing all tasks, tasks can be created for the collection as a whole in this view.


The Administrator Guide contains instructions for how an administrator can enable the Tasks activated configuration parameter. An administrator can also activate a feature to Send task emails. When activated, users with an email address (e.g. via LDAP) will receive emails whenever a task gets assigned to them, or if there is a change in the assigned task.

Creating Tasks

Tasks can be created for a single asset in a collection and for an entire collection:

  • When working with a particular asset, Explore > Show/Create Tasks… menu option lets you view existing and create new tasks for the asset.

  • The Tasks tab for a collection displays all the tasks in a collection - created for individual assets or for the entire collection. The task list for a collection can be filtered by status and assignee. The Create New Task button creates a task associated with a collection as a whole.

  • The dialog for creating new tasks, lets you enter task description and assign it to a user. New tasks are set to the “open” status. There is no delete option for a task, instead its status can be changed to “resolved”.

Changing Task Information

After a task is created, you will be able to set its due date. A user assigned a task can change its status and enter comments about the task. Users with manager privileges for the asset collection can re-assign the task.

Changes in the task information are displayed in the Change History section of the task view.