TopBraid Suite 5.5.0 All - Feature: Cell-based Excel spreadsheet importer now also creates ss:sheetName triples. - Bug fix: Added "ignore_row_on_dupkey_index" hint to Oracle SDB insert nodes statement. [PLAT-1388] - Deleted: Support for rdf:PlainLiteral (which is no longer meaningful in RDF 1.1) - Deleted: Support for (long outdated) SwiftOWLIM inference engine. - Deleted: Support for Oracle native RDF databases. TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - Feature: Forms and Ontology editor now support sh:inversePath to describe "incoming" values. [PLAT-1366] - Feature: Workflow transitions now distinguish between teamwork:transitionLabel and teamwork:transitionAction. - Feature: Now possible to hide certain properties from EDG forms based on governance roles (via edg:hiddenPropertyForRole). [TBS-776] - Feature: Lineage importer now supports TABLE and FILE as executable types. [PLAT-1379] - Feature: Class diagram in Ontology editor is now displayed as 3 charts, 1 for inheritance and 2 for association levels - Feature: Data Governance packages now include an Enumerations Collection for enumerated values and code lists - Changed: The global graph (urn:x-evn-global) was no longer needed with 5.4 and has been removed now. If you have graph that reference it, please remove owl:imports if possible. - Changed: Upgrade to Apache Jena 3.5.0 [PLAT-1362] - Changed: "Constraint Violations Report" has been replaced with (more general) "Problems and Suggestions". - Changed: Class Hierarchy no longer shows property shapes as nodes [TBS-775] - Changed: Form definitions of skos:Concepts now use SHACL shapes. You should replace any customizations such as ui:overrides of evnui:ConceptFormBody with corresponding SHACL definitions. Make sure all Taxonomies include (owl:imports) "SKOS SHACL shapes" (TopBraid/SKOS/skos.shapes.ttl) [TBS-834] - Changed: SKOS-XL properties will only be visible if SKOS-XL SHACL Shapes are imported. Class selection box above search form in Taxonomy editor now lists skosxl:Label, if present. [TBS-963] - Changed: Relabeled SDB on configuration pages to RDBMS to clarify description of persistence layer. [TBS-822] - Changed: Constraint validation by the edit forms now ignores sh:Info shapes. [TBS-914] - Bug fix: Spreadsheet importer now only lists the main class of datasets or its subclasses. - Bug fix: Uploading a workflows definitions file did not work unless user-defined roles were duplicated. [TBS-856] - Bug fix: Forms that used sh:order with decimal values sometimes crashed with comparison exception. - Bug fix: Fixed issue with datatable becoming invisible if the containing window is too narrow. [TBS-872] - Bug fix: Copy Concept from URL... (Taxonomy editor) did not apply correct content negotiation. [TBS-860] - Bug fix: Table components sometimes crashed if a property had no label. [TBS-879] - Bug fix: Class diagrams sometimes used the rdfs:label of property shapes instead of the sh:name. - Bug fix: Spreadsheet importer preview did not render Unicode correctly. - Bug fix: Assigning data steward to Glossary Collection threw error. [TBS-941] - Bug fix: Job titles would linger around after their Organization has been deleted. [TBS-938] - Bug fix: Choices in "Restrict to class" drop down did not update if new instances were created. [TBS-952] - Bug fix: Viewers saw edit controls in no-connector Corpora [TBS-853] - Deleted: Widget for editing spin:constraints on class forms - use SHACL instead. [TBS-829] TopBraid Live, EVN, EDG - Feature: Started generic Suggestions framework to recommend updates to graphs that can be applied by end users. This is integrated as an option into the top of the forms and part of the new "Problems and Suggestions" report feature. [TBS-812] - Feature: SHACL/SPIN validation & suggestions report now has buttons to download as TSV or JSON. [TBS-838] - Changed: Removed option to load graphs from the web. Users must now fetch and load external Ontologies.[TBS-818] - Changed: Switch to Apache Commons CSV/TSV parser for importers [TBS-725] - Changed: Order of field values will be grouped by language. Order of languages derived from default or custom language list with the exception of the first values which correspond to a users language browser settings. [TBS-821] - Changed: Updated TinyMCE library to version 4.7.4. [PLAT-1399] - Changed: Use the YASGUI interface for the SPARQL endpoint. [TBS-811] - Changed: Improved help tooltip for Server URL configuration option. [TBS-958] - Bug fix: Fixed issue with JavaScript variable that was being hoisted into the global scope. [TBS-899] - Bug fix: LDAP client should be more robust now for misconfigured roles. [TBS-600] - Bug fix: The batch edit dialog wasn't getting cleaned up properly in some cases. [TBS-839] - Bug fix: Changes to working copy could fail with NullPointerException. [TBS-840] - Deleted: "ui link base" in Server Configuration; now subsumed by "Server URL" setting. [TBS-762] TopBraid Composer - All Editions - Feature: Save button in SPARQL view now allows entering a graph URI for CONSTRUCTed graphs. [TBC-557] - Feature: Added SHACL Preference to produce Failures instead of crashes on Exceptions. [TBS-862] - Feature: SPARQL view's editor has right-click menu with options to reset the query. [TBC-565] - Feature: General speed improvements of UI (streamlined code fetching labels and icons). - Changed: Increased maximum memory allocation from 2GB to 4GB. - Changed: "Create property constraint" now produces rdf:type sh:PropertyShape for its values. - Bug fix: Improved handling of files from linked folders. - Deleted: TopBraid-specific proxy server settings - use JVM parameters instead. [TBS-860] TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - Deleted: UML to OWL importer. It was outdated and UML/XMI has just too many variants. TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - Deleted: Option to turn off SWP syntax highlighting. [TBC-544] - Bug fix: TopBraid Default Application now gracefully handles property shapes. [PLAT-1391] SHACL - Feature: Added new constraint components in TopBraid/SHACL/strkind.shapes.ttl namespace. - Feature: Replaced SKOS constraints implemented in SPIN with SHACL equivalents. [TBS-851] - Feature: OWL-to-SHACL converter now also handles owl:intersectionOf (also in owl:equivalentClass). [PLAT-1383] - Feature: Added suggestions generators based on sh:defaultValue (tosh namespace). - Bug fix: TBC-FE did not include the SHACL rules inference engine. - Bug fix: SPARQL suggestions generators did not correctly use sh:prefixes. SPIN and SPARQL functions - Feature: smf:convertRDFToText now uses the sorted C14N writer for Turtle. - Feature: Added function smf:levenshteinDistance. - Bug fix: swa:propertyLabelAtNode had its arguments declared in the wrong order - please check if you have used this function directly to double-check that any SPIN RDF rendering uses sp:arg1 and sp:arg2 instead of arg:path and arg:node. SPARQLMotion - Feature: Added sml:focusNode and sml:shapesGraph options to sml:ApplySHACLRules. SPARQL Web Pages - Feature: Support for parsing JSON strings into "native" JSON objects which can then be queried efficiently: ui:json, ui:jsonArrayMembers, ui:jsonValue ui:jsonString. - Bug fix: swa:resourceIcon sometimes produced non-deterministic results if multiple rdf:types were present. - Changed: ui:functionCall now inserts "null" if an argument evaluates to a SPARQL error. [PLAT-1363] - Changed: ui:createLink now defaults to relative URLs regardless of server settings, and ui:absolute="true" now uses the "Server URL" setting instead of "ui link base". [TBS-762]