TopBraid Suite 5.5.1 Overview: - All - TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - TopBraid Live, EVN and EDG - TopBraid Composer - All Editions - TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - SHACL - SPIN and SPARQL Functions - SPARQLMotion - SPARQL Web Pages TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - Improvement: Added back search results count and export to Excel on Ontology editor [TBS-1083] - Improvement: Inverse property tree should only show instances of a given class on the top level [TBS-1085] - Improvement: Improve performance of class display [TBS-1109] - Improvement: Enumerations model [TBS-1104] - Bug fix: History being recorded on import spreadsheet using template when not selected [TBS-1082] - Bug fix: Explorer user not seeing published collection (except via hamburger) [TBS-1102] - Bug fix: New workspaces defaulted to TDB regardless of storage selection [TBS-822]