TopBraid Suite 5.4.0 Overview: - All - TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - TopBraid Live, EVN and EDG - TopBraid Composer - All Editions - TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - SPIN and SPARQL Functions - SPARQLMotion - SPARQL Web Pages All - Feature: Numerous improvements related to SHACL, including support for SHACL Rules - Removed: cfg:tdbAutosaveFrequency (no longer used) [PLAT-956] - Changed: Upgrade to Apache Jena 3.4.0 [PLAT-1331] - Changed: Upgrade MarkLogic connector to version 1.1.1 [TBS-287] - Changed: Upgrade Oracle JDBC driver to (ojdbc7) [PLAT-1280] - Changed: Upgrade Microsoft Sql Server driver to 6.2.1 - Bug fix: SHACLC was registered using CSV mime type TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - Feature: Generalized the concept of Workflows behind working copies so that the stages and transitions can be configured using workflow templates. This includes a comprehensive redesign of governance roles. - Feature: Class diagrams now also show other OWL restrictions and SHACL constraints on attribute properties. [TBS-315] - Feature: SHACL violation report now has feature to perform batch-repairs on similar suggestions. - Feature: Added standard constraint with suggestion to make named class subclass of owl:Thing and various other frequently needed default constraints. [TBS-303] - Feature: Added page that lists all shapes and constraints including buttons to disable each. [TBS-328] - Feature: The + button for properties that declare multiple datatypes or classes (via sh:or) now offers choice. Property shape form now has support for entering such union ranges using 'or'. [PLAT-1281] - Feature: Ontology vocabularies now have an option to prefer SHACL over OWL/RDFS. This influences how new properties are created and whether the Global Property Axioms sections get displayed. - Feature: Input fields now distinguish between xsd:string and rdf:langString types, if they have been declared using SHACL constraints. rdf:langString means language is required, xsd:string means language not permitted. To allow both, use 'xsd:string or rdf:langString' at sh:or. [PLAT-1300] - Feature: Working copies now store the history of all status changes and display commit date and committer. Archiving operation now also records who did the archiving. - Feature: Add link to documentation for Content Tag Sets when Auto Classifier is not configured. [TBS-346] - Feature: Added viewer and editing widgets for rdf:List values. Ontology Editor now has support for defining constraints on list members. [PLAT-1304] - Feature: Add Neighborgram button to search. [TBS-341] - Feature: Added SPARQL endpoint with the ability to save SPARQL queries and Saved SPARQL Queries publisher to Import/Export tab [TBS-188] - Feature: Added View/Edit SHACL Property Layout Group action to context menu under classes. [TBS-389] - Feature: Added home page widget for recently accessed collections. [TBS-349] - Feature: Added LineageGram button to Search the EDG. [TBS-400] - Feature: Configure AutoClassifier form: Added "Check/uncheck all" options to list of content properties [TBS-495] - Feature: Various improvements to Content Tag Set creation wizard [TBS-521] - Feature: Editor/Viewer application for Corpora allows interaction with the contents of a corpus [TBS-527] - Feature: Added "TopBraid Simple Corpus and Document Schema" as Include on new Corpora, and as a default Tagger Property Graph [TBS-476] - Feature: Importer for single document into Corpus using Tika [TBS-524] - Feature: Normalized Concepts exporter helps with troubleshooting content tag sets [EVN-978] - Feature: Improve UI for Action buttons in details panes [TBS-126] - Feature: Ability to remove saved SPARQL queries [TBS-573] - Feature: Added data profiling to JDBC schema import [TBS-493] - Feature: Change the Working Copy tab to display Workflow tables. [TBS-480] - Feature: Spreadsheet importers now also support mappings to resource-valued columns, by matching against a target property of the resource type. [TBS-387] - Feature: Added button "Open in new browser tab" to toolbar of editable forms to open a given resource in "full screen" [TBS-603] - Feature: Pre-map spreadsheet columns headers to eponymous properties in spreadsheet importer wizard [TBS-304] - Feature: Improved performance on systems with many users [TBS-744] - Removed: SPIN constraints checking owl:FunctionalProperty and owl:maxCardinality from teamworkconstraints (Users are encouraged to switch to SHACL for such things). - Removed: Incomplete Data Report, now part of general Validation Report. Custom teamwork:ProjectTypes should delete references to teamwork:IncompleteDataReportPlugin. [TBS-342] - Removed: Keyword categorization and search of vocabularies. [TBS-714] - Changed: Only Ontologies can now (legally) define new classes and properties. Constraint checks have been added to validate for this invariance, Taxonomy editor no longer has ontology mode. [PLAT-1305] - Changed: Moved "View change history" links to the "Reports" tab for all project types. [TBS-316] - Changed: Complete redesign of UI for creating and managing Corpora with connectors. [TBS-526] - Changed: Landing page task list now shows the project type category and the project label for which the task was created. [TBS-311] - Changed: Incomplete Data Dashboard widget now relies on sh:minCount constraints instead of owl:minCardinality. It is populated as a side-effect of running the general Validation Report. [TBS-342] - Changed: New Working Copies now open to overview tab of new Working Copy. [TBS-338] - Changed: Combine import and export into one tab on the operations page. [TBS-347] - Changed: Importing a spreadsheet into an Ontology using skos:Concept and skos:broader no longer forces a skos:ConceptScheme. [TBS-357] - Changed: Cleaned up the presentation for tasks for various assets. [TBS-310] - Changed: Cleaned up the presentation for placeholder text on the search forms. This makes it easier to distinguish between placeholder values and actual values. [TBS-352] - Changed: Usage tab now only shows up for Glossaries, Ref. Datasets, Ontologies, Taxonomies. [TBS-386] - Changed: Cleaned up the presentation for properties in Reference Datasets -> [Project] -> Metadata Tab -> Property Definitions Section. [TBS-330] - Changed: Validation Report now only operates on locally defined subjects, not imported ones. [TBS-422] - Changed: Reordered Project Page tabs, added headings to Import/Export Page. [TBS-444] - Changed: Removed Root class option from Taxonomy project type as the class tree is no longer present in the Taxonomy editor. [TBS-430] - Changed: Revert from the Show history forms no longer performs constraint validation beforehand. [TBS-551] - Changed: The timeout to clearup unused working copies has been changed from 30 minutes to 8 hours. [PLAT-147] - Changed: Many tabular displays of instances and search results now only show the first X rows (X defaults to 1000 and can be configured on the server configuration page). [TBS-580] - Changed: The status:status property (and vocabulary) has been deprecated in favor of edg:status. - Changed: RDF file import is now also permitted for anyone with editing permission (was: managers). - Changed: Removed preference "Viewers cannot create working copies" in favor of setting teamwork:cannotCreateTags true for selected governance roles. [TBS-738] - Bug fix: Class diagrams now correctly use owl:allValuesFrom in attributes and relationships. [TBS-315] - Bug fix: NeighborGram for classes now shows incoming links [TBS-317] - Bug fix: "Expose as property value set" for Reference Datasets is now limited to managers. [TBS-329] - Bug fix: Deleting a property now also deletes "depending" property shapes that have a URI. [TBS-336] - Bug fix: Improved security for Teamwork change history graphs. [EVN-647] - Bug fix: Fix problem with renaming of Vocabulary in IE in newer versions of tomcat. [TBS-359] - Bug fix: Deleting or clearing a corpus now also deletes or clears its workspace directory under Corpora [TBS-403] - Bug fix: Disallowed content tag sets from being source/target of crosswalks [TBS-405] - Bug fix: DDL import no longer fails when input file starts with Byte Order Mark [PLAT-1266] - Bug fix: Clicking "Usages as a Tag" in Tagger no longer opens the content resource URL in case the content resource is in an imported graph [TBS-133] - Bug fix: Reference Datasets, Crosswalks, and Content Tag Sets are now publishable to Explorer users. [TBS-327] - Bug fix: Fix alignment of result message on Lineage Spreadsheet Import. [TBS-306] - Bug fix: Fixed a problem with inserting hyperlinks into the rich text editor. [TBS-528] - Bug fix: Use .meta instead of .ttl as file extension for files in the Corpora directory to keep them out of Includes dialog and other places [TBS-511] - Bug fix: Fix download links on Corpora Contents page [TBS-420] - Bug fix: Stop corpus connectors from truncating files larger than 64k [TBS-413] - Bug fix: acsrv:PreviewConceptVocabulary web service was broken - Bug fix: Removed limitation on length of URLs in Corpus connectors [TBS-529] - Bug fix: Fixed display issues with NeighborGram popup menu for IE and Firefox [TBS-514] - Bug fix: Improved code robustness if commit rules are executed on a working copy with no status. [TBS-627] - Bug fix: Task Status widget missing from Dashboard in Taxonomies. [TBS-624] - Bug fix: Batch editing failed with an error if no resource was editable. [TBS-658] - Bug fix: Label on edg:isRequired was incorrect. [TBS-663] - Bug fix: Fixed potential memory leak and locking issue with Relationship tree. [TBS-648] - Bug fix: File importer no longer produces rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing triple for OWL classes. [TBS-751] - Bug fix: Various fixes to links in email notifications. [TBS-742] TopBraid Live, EVN, EDG - Feature: Added Ontology Optimizations, accelerating certain operations. [PLAT-1306] - Feature: rdf:HTML literals are now rendered as rich text even if they are not XHTML [PLAT-1338] - Changed: Standardized UI AJaX requests using jQuery.ajax(). [PLAT-1184] - Bug fix: Performance improvements for LDAP connections. [TBS-335][TBS-744] - Bug fix: Improved error handling for SPARQL endpoint. [TBS-452] - Feature: Added support for reading data via CMIS connections in Corpora using AtomPub and Browser connection types. [TBS-477] TopBraid Composer - All Editions - Feature: Find references now also finds URI usages in sh:select, sh:ask etc. - Feature: Added JavaScript Query view. - Changed: All TBC editions are now packed with Openjdk8 [TBS-268] - Changed: Switched from Eclipse "Navigator" to "Project Explorer" view - Bug fix: Cancel button in long-running inferencing and auto-complete operations caused unstable state, now handled gracefully (albeit sometimes causing a delay). [TBC-532] - Bug fix: Removed over-eager display of "Turn into dash:FunctionTestCase" context menu in text fields. [TBC-519] - Bug fix: Some features of the SPIN Statistics view only worked if there was an open file. - Bug fix: Instances view sometimes failed to update when not the active view [TBC-545] - Bug fix: Change of label value no longer shows inconsistency in editor tree when nodes are expanded. [TBS-139] - Bug fix: Fixed regression issue with outputting <...> URIs in HTML documentation generator - Bug fix: Restored behavior of exporting RDF/XML (not abbrev) to be plain block form. [TBC-549] TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - Deleted: RDFa Editor TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - Bug fix: Permission denied when accessing Personal TBL server SPARQL endpoint via curl (fixed). [TBS-380] SPIN and SPARQL functions - Feature: Added SPARQL function spif:timeMillisToDateTime. - Feature: Added SPARQL functions smf:localSubjects, smf:turtleString, smf:userName, smf:userRole. - Changed: SWP syntax highlighting is enabled by default [TBC-515] - Changed: spl:objectInGraph is now natively implemented (faster) and will report a warning and no results if the graph argument is unbound (which is a change in behavior in case anyone ever relied on this). - Bug fix: Fixed problems with spr:cell when used on results of sml:CreateSPINResultSet. - Bug fix: Query to SPIN to Query did not round trip projection expressions involving a constant. [PLAT-1351] SPARQLMotion - Feature: Added flag sml:ignoreSPLConstraints to skip spl:Argument and spl:Attribute tests in sml:ValidateGraph. - Feature: Added module sml:ApplySHACLRules. - Feature: Added sml:html flag to sml:ImportDirectoryWithTika to attempt extracting HTML markup [PLAT-1099] - Feature: Added module sml:ImportFileWithTika for importing individual documents from workspace or URL [EVN-929] - Feature: Added experimental support for Weka classification (sml:CreateWekaClassifier, sml:DeleteWekaClassifier, smf:wekaClassify, smf:wekaClassifiers, smf:createARFF). SPARQL Web Pages - Feature: SWA view forms now also show values computed on-the-fly using SHACL triple rules. - Feature: ui:setResponseHeader now also support arbitrary values, via ui:headerName and ui:headerValue. - Feature: TBC now has an SWP Preference to trace the results of ui:classView and ui:resourceView in the Error Log. - Feature: Added new SWP module uidb:select to query Relational databases via JDBC. - Feature: Added ui:shapesGraph to ui:setContext. - Feature: Edit forms now indicate mandatory fields with an asterisk. - Feature: Added ui:addToResultSet. - Feature: Added ui:fragment argument to ui:createLink. - Feature: Added ui:absolute argument to ui:createLink. - Feature: Added ui:profile (for measuring the duration of execution more easily). - Feature: Added swa:Options for rendering HTML option/optgroup elements from a SPARQL result set. - Changed: ui:parse and ui:canParse now do full permissive HTML parsing if ui:xml is not true [TBS-81] - Changed: Generate XML declaration if ui:responseType is ui:XML [TBS-489] - Bug fix: swa:Objects now correctly hide "empty" magic properties on arg:hideIfEmpty="true".