TopBraid Suite 5.3.0 Overview: - All - TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - TopBraid Live, EVN and EDG - TopBraid Composer - All Editions - TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - SPIN and SPARQL Functions - SPARQLMotion - SPARQL Web Pages - SHACL Support All - Change: Upgrade to Apache Jena 3.1.1 [PLAT-1231] Note that this includes changes to the SPARQL engine that may affect some queries. Queries containing GRAPH ?var where ?var is computed during the evaluation of the query may iterate over all graphs in the workspace. To prevent this, use the SPARQL debugger in TBC to verify that the query is turned into a join (while it used to produce sequences). Joins are produced if any variable within the GRAPH is in a FILTER and is not bound at the point of execution. So: moving some FILTERs outside of the GRAPH { } block sometimes help. - Change: Opening .rdf files no longer adds "missing" owl:Ontology instance nor removes # from owl:imports. [TBC-517] - Feature: Added (some) support for xsd:dateTimeStamp [PLAT-921] - Bug fix: Semantic XML importer sometimes produced duplicate index values for text nodes. [PLAT-1261] - Bug fix: Semantic Tables importer over existing ontology now also looks for relevant properties from superclasses, defined via OWL or SHACL etc. [PLAT-1275] - Removed: ISPARQLDrivers extension point removed. [TBS-171] TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - Feature: New Home Page [PLAT-929] - Feature: New Visualization (LineageGram) [TBS-150] - Feature: Forms now support inline editing (without switching to Edit mode). [PLAT-1145] - Feature: Added integration with JIRA Issue Tracker. [EVN-1010] - Feature: Added teamwork:pluginValidExpression for plugins that apply to multiple project types. [EVN-1011] - Feature: Working copy Reports tab now includes Graph URI. [TBS-77] - Feature: Create instance dialogs now prevent the creation of instances of abstract classes. [PLAT-1224] - Feature: Added "is enterprise" flag to metadata of reference datasets. [TBS-87] - Feature: Search form and faceted search now have an option to return local resources only. [EDG-198] - Feature: Set up of Reference Datasets now includes the option to declare a primary key locally for the dataset. [TBS-84] - Feature: Constraint validation reports now include deep links into the focus nodes of a violation. [TBS-19] - Feature: Added "Import From JDBC Connection" to extract RDBMS schemas. [TBS-11] - Feature: Added admin features to take and restore a snapshot of the EVN/EDG related files as a TriG file. [PLAT-1254] - Feature: Ontology Editor now uses auto-complete categorized by namespace. [EVN-784] - Feature: The suggested default value for "default namespace" is now configurable on the server config page. [TBS-175] - Feature: The search form on Crosswalks now has a check box to only find unmapped items. [TBS-180] - Feature: Import RDF file page now also supports JSON-LD format. [TBS-198] - Feature: Added importer for crosswalk mappings from spreadsheet. [TBS-205] - Feature: Search forms now have a menu item "Unselect all columns". [PLAT-1198] - Feature: Ontology editor's search form now also has a button to save default search. Can be used to for classes used by Reference Datasets to set initial columns. [TBS-213] - Feature: New TopBraid Explorer that supports all EDG assets. [EDG-199] - Change: Arrow keys no longer open or close layout panels. [PLAT-385] - Change: Taxonomy editor no longer includes class/property tab. Use "Open as Ontology" button for existing taxonomies that include class definitions. Moving forward, we recommend cleaner separation of Taxonomy and Ontology into two individual vocabularies. [EVN-1009] - Change: Faceted search no longer offers to add properties that are never used. [TBS-66] - Change: RDF file import now copies triples of owl:Ontologies from the file into the target owl:Ontology. [TBS-94] - Change: Move ui assets around into a more organized structure [PLAT-1164] - Change: Automated build task for preprocessing NeighborGram assets [TBS-13] - Change: Spreadsheet importer now uses the default namespace as default start of URIs. - Change: Class tree and other Hierarchy views are now pruned after 1000 entries (for performance reasons). [TBS-85] - Change: Deactivated built-in form customizations for some classes so that they can be edited manually. [PLAT-1245] - Change: Restricted includes dialog to permitted/required project types for EDG projects. [TBS-30] - Change: Batch operation to edit multiple search results now allows for editing all rows that are not read-only. [TBS-60] - Change: Class/Property tree in Ontology editor now also shows property constraints (as child nodes of properties). [TBS-184] - Change: NeighborGram™ now shows incoming properties, as well as allowing for a placement constraint on properties. [TBS-9] - Change: Project Tabs no longer remember what tab the user last looked at. [TBS-161] - Change: Edit button is now hidden (rather than disabled) for Viewer user role. [TBS-250] - Bug fix: Create resource dialogs will now use the best suitable subproperty of rdfs:label instead of rdfs:label. [EVN-1013] - Bug fix: Resources that changed their rdf:type arcs in a working copy sometimes disappeared from autocomplete. [PLAT-1142] - Bug fix: Automatic assertion of symmetric properties now only happens if the object has any properties of its own, e.g. system no longer asserts skos:closeMatch with untyped external resources. [PLAT-1158] - Bug fix: No longer allow the import of RDF graph with missing owl:import resources. [TBS-33] - Bug fix: An error popped up when assigning the same tag twice in Tagger. [TBS-74] - Bug fix: Pressing Enter in the Create New Crosswalk form caused an error page to show. [TBS-76] - Bug fix: The Euro sign would cause HTML source code to show in rich text fields. [TBS-81] - Bug fix: Details view of change now limited to 1000 rows to avoid performance issues. [TBS-127] - Bug fix: Nested nested forms (2 or more levels deep) are now ignored on searches if they have no constraining values. [EVN-710] - Bug fix: Better error handling on invalid regular expressions in search forms. [TBS-131] - Bug fix: Generic tree widget (used for various hierarchies) now correctly supports magic properties. [TBS-52] - Bug fix: Tagger now also allows to select tag properties that have a subclass of skos:Concept as their range. [TBS-138] - Bug fix: Values of xsd:dateTime attributes were sometimes lost when committing a form. [TBS-142] - Bug fix: Class diagrams now correctly display owl:cardinality restrictions. [TBS-5] - Bug fix: Improve error handling for spreadsheet import. [TBS-157] - Bug fix: Switch of special case handling of WHERE { SERVICE {...} } [TBS-171] - Bug fix: Importing large files into a vocabulary with change tracking on no longer times out after 30 minutes. - Bug fix: Dialogs are now large enough to display all content without need for scroll or resize. [PLAT-1032] - Bug fix: Importing spreadsheet from Template did not record change history despite clicking the checkbox. [TBS-226] - Bug fix: Auto-complete indices are now reset after (most) changes to owl:imports [TBS-158] - Bug fix: Fixed issues related to deleting vocabularies and projects containing them [TBS-259] - Bug fix: "Clear" was deleting a couple of important system triples. [TBS-260] TopBraid Live, EVN, EDG - Feature: Allow for combined LDAP realm with failover. [TBS-100] - Change: Improve Includes dialog/general page. [PLAT-1157] - Change: SPARQL endpoint now responds HTTP 403 instead of HTTP 500, with better error message, to SPARQL Update requests when Update is not enabled in the server administration. [PLAT-1190] - Change: Separate Assets from Other in Navigation menu. [PLAT-1094] - Change: Change error alerts to dialogs. [PLAT-1211] - Change: Relabeled 'Reset Cache' to 'Clear Cache' to better reflect it's function. [EVN-470] - Change: Re-themed login page [TBS-109] - Change: Replace HTML documentation pages with links to website and confluence documentation [TBS-187] - Change: No longer unregister all files in project before unzipping a remotely deployed project. [TBS-267] - Bug fix: "Exception in SWP Servlet: View has no rdf:type" when working on SWP code with ui:loadables in TBCME is now handled more gracefully. [TBS-75] - Bug fix: User role retrieval failure when webapp is deployed in root context. [TBS-105] - Bug fix: Enhanced security for uploading projects. [TBS-153] - Bug fix: Enhanced security for sending error logs to TopQuadrant. [TBS-167] - Bug fix: Enhanced security against cross-frame scripting attacks. [TBS-179] - Bug fix: sml:ReturnRDF and smf:convertRDFToText with sml:RDFXML did produce output with RDF/XML abbreviated. - Bug fix: No permissions should be required to read/write ui:tempGraph. [PLAT-882] TopBraid Composer - All Editions - Feature: Added JavaScript view for executing JS scripts against the currently open RDF model. - Feature: SHACL Validation view now has better support for details (sh:detail) and will save and open results graph as a separate file if the details option is activated. [PLAT-1194] - Feature: Context menu with "Copy Cell" and "Copy Rows" options in SPARQL View result table. [TBC-518] - Feature: Added industry/product classification Reference Dataset project examples. [RDM-200] - Feature: Failed import errors now also show the URI that tried to perform the import. - Bug fix: Prevent accidental changes to boolean fields when scrolling the resource form vertically via touch gesture or mouse wheel. [TBC-511] - Bug fix: Hitting ENTER in the search combo box of a class or property selection dialog no longer dismisses the dialog, but runs the search. [TBC-512] - Bug fix: First click into the search text box below the trees in Classes/Properties/Shapes views was ignored. [TBC-513] - Bug fix: Fixed warning on startup about .ini.orig file not being found. [TBC-505] - Bug fix: Alt/Option key is now an alternative to CTRL+mouse over to navigate to a resource (CTRL is causing to open a context menu on Macs). - Change: Composer is now being built using Eclipse Neon. [PLAT-1089] TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - Bug fix: Various fixes related to the (old) HTML Documentation generator. [TBC-503] TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - Feature: Experimental full syntax highlighting for SWP snippets (can be enabled on SWP preference pane). [TBC-515] - Change: Remove preference to set/unset the low-level filter placement of Apache Jena ARQ. [TBS-141] - Bug fix: SWP editor: Splitting of long attribute lists onto multiple lines would not work on first line. [TBC-514] - Bug fix: Fix Semantic XML import issue with text node starting with blank or tab characters. [PLAT-1273] SPIN and SPARQL functions - Feature: SPIN now supports a second (inverse) query using spin:inverseBody for magic properties. [TBS-111] - Feature: New SPARQL function spif:checkRegexSyntax. - Feature: New SPARQL function spif:isValidForDatatype. - Feature: New SPARQL function spif:graphIsomorphicWith. - Feature: New SPARQL function smf:configParam. - Feature: New SPARQL magic property spif:referencedVar (for walking the SPIN RDF syntax). - Feature: spif:evalPath extended to support any combination of variables/constants and IRIs as path. - Change: SPINx now uses Oracle Nashorn engine instead of Rhino. - Change: swpsource attributes will be added to more DOM nodes in generated SWP output once the option in the SWP preferences is enabled. [PLAT-1218] - Bug fix: Fixed a problem with pre-binding of ?this in constraints and rules - ?this was not always visible if the query contained nested elements (UNION, GRAPH etc). [PLAT-1248] - Bug fix: smf:definedIn did not correctly find a subgraph from a ui:unionGraph that had other union graphs. [PLAT-1257] SPARQLMotion - Feature: Added sml:securePasswordURL to sml:ImportTextFromURL. - Feature: Added sml:encoding to sml:PostRequest. [PLAT-1252] - Feature: Added sml:encoding to sml:ImportTextFile. [PLAT-1228] - Feature: Added new modules sml:AddUserDictionaryWord and sml:RemoveUserDictionaryWord. - Feature: Added "createGraph" option to output TDB graph from ExportToTDB module. [PLAT-1243] - Feature: Added sml:fileName option to sml:ReturnText. - Bug fix: sml:PostRequest no longer throws an error for other 2xx HTTP status codes. [PLAT-1246] - Bug fix: sml:ReturnText had sml:mimeType as mandatory arguments despite being declared optional. - Bug fix: sml:ExportToZIPFile would flatten directories instead of preserving hierarchy. [TBS-224] SPARQL Web Pages - Feature: New syntax for multiple let assignments at once: let:_="{# SELECT ?a ?b ... }" [PLAT-1237] - Feature: Added ui:includeScript and ui:includeStyle to organize head includes better. [PLAT-1165] - Feature: Added swon:parse to parse a JSON string into SWON RDF objects. Includes a general clean up and extension of SWON, e.g. swon:Literal, swon:Null [PLAT-1205] - Feature: Improved test case framework, added dash:expectedResult and ui:expectedResultContains to ui:TestCase. [PLAT-1206] - Feature: Added menu item to create new ui:override at ui:overrides context menu. [TBC-516] - Feature: swa:AutoComplete widget now supports grouping of values into categories using any SPARQL function. - Change: Made handling of character encoding in XML file uploads more robust. [PLAT-1226] - Change: Attribute word wrapping is now the default preference for SWP snippets. [TBC-510] - Bug fix: Made evaluating arguments inside a ui:transaction more robust. [PLAT-1265] SHACL Support - Feature: Tracking latest SHACL standard. To convert older SHACL files into the current version use http://localhost:8083/tbl/swp?_viewClass=convert53:ConvertProject&projectName=Repositories where Repositories may be the name of any project in your workspace. This will replace sh:Shape -> sh:NodeShape sh:PropertyConstraint -> sh:PropertyShape sh:predicate -> sh:path - Feature: Started experimental SHACL-JS JavaScript support.