TopBraid Suite 5.2.0 Overview: - All - TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - TopBraid Live, EVN and EDG - TopBraid Composer - All Editions - TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - SPIN and SPARQL Functions - SPARQLMotion - SPARQL Web Pages - SHACL Support All - Change: Upgraded jQuery core to 2.2.2 [PLAT-521] - Change: Upgraded jQuery Context Menu to 2.1.1 [PLAT-911] - Change: Upgraded jsTree to 3.3.0 [PLAT-910] - Change: Upgraded jQuery Layout to 1.4.4 [PLAT-908] - Change: Upgraded jQuery UI to 1.11.4 [PLAT-909] - Change: Upgraded jqGrid to 5.1.0 [PLAT-805] - Change: Upgraded jQuery Forms to 3.51.0-2014.06.20 [PLAT-1004] - Change: Upgraded jstree to 3.3.0 [PLAT-1004] - Change: Upgraded the whole code base to Jena 3.1 - Change: Upgraded to Solr 6.1 - Change: smf:if has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Replace with the SPARQL built-in IF. - Change: Turtle output now only includes in-use prefixes. [EVN-752] - Change: sml:ImportXHTML now uses jsoup instead of jTidy for better HTML parsing. [PLAT-969] - Change: Opening HTML and XHTML files with Semantic XML now uses jsoup instead of jTidy for better HTML parsing. [PLAT-971] - Change: Opening HTML and XHTML files with Semantic XML will no longer attempt to use an XML parser first, but go straight for the HTML5 parser. [PLAT-907] - Change: Schema for MySQL and Oracle SDB database has changed for performance improvements. This change requires all SDB data to be reloaded. - Change: SDB prefixes are now tracked per graph. This change requires all SDB data to be reloaded. - Change: Replaced MySQL Connector/j jdbc driver with MariaDB Connector/J 1.4.5 [TBC-215] - Updated: FIBO Ontologies in TopBraid project now up to date as of 2016-07-20. [EVN-860] - Updated: in TopBraid project now updated to version 3.1 (2016-08-15). - Removed: smf:firstBound (which was marked deprecated for a while, favoring COALESCE). - Removed: FOAF as a pre-bundled namespace in the TopBraid project. Some people wanted to use their own copy instead. [TBC-471] - Removed: Support for PostgreSQL as an SDB back-end. [PLAT-1103] - Bug fix: Fixed z-index issue with jquery autocomplete dropdowns [EDG-121] - Bug fix: Fixed include imports option in sparql endpoint [PLAT-1050] - Bug fix: Fixed IE 11 compatibility view issue with primary menu [EDG-20] - Bug fix: Fixed potential memory leak related to auto-complete indices. [PLAT-951] - Bug fix: Graph-level permissions now also apply to import closures (ui:graphWithImports). [PLAT-884] - Bug fix: All users now have read access to all system graphs. [PLAT-803] - Change: sml:path argument for sml:ImportDirectoryWithTika SPARQLMotion module may now be an absolute workspace location, absolute file system location, or relative to script location [PLAT-1045] - Bug fix: sml:ImportDirectoryWithTika SPARQLMotion module would sometimes generate invalid URIs (e.g., containing spaces) [PLAT-734] - Bug fix: The Semantic XML converter will now read namespace prefixes on any node, rather than just the first [PLAT-1076] TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - Feature: Added Print View button for primary content pane in EVN/EDG editor applications. [EVN-883] - Feature: Added TDB as a database backend. This is now the default for TBC-ME. [EVN-869, PLAT-916] - Feature: Sub menus now use carousel to allow for ultimited items [PLAT-954] - Feature: Normalize stylesheet included to standardize cross-browser compatibility issues [PLAT-936] - Feature: Improved UX for edit includes dialog including search feature [PLAT-895] - Feature: Implemented standardized teamwork chrome [PLAT-1040] - Feature: Added global look-up field to the header. [PLAT-1024] - Feature: Platform now support singleton vocabulary types, which can only have a single graph instance. Create and Delete is disabled for such graphs [EVN-809] - Feature: Added Quick navigation menus to header of EVN/RDM pages [EVN-808] - Feature: Validation now also includes SHACL constraints. [PLAT-855] - Feature: Validation results now display in a prettier dialog and may include suggestions on how to fix a violation, with an Apply button (for some SHACL constraints). [EVN-162] - Feature: The constraint violations report of Content Tag Sets now shows violations if a subject or object resource involved in a tag triple is untyped, including an Apply button to fix it. [EVN-901] - Feature: Custom widgets for metadata:Role and metadata:SoftwareSystem now get automatically selected. [PLAT-800] - Feature: teamwork:ProjectTypes can now have a constructor to initialize graphs. - Feature: General tab now displays Graph URI of each vocabulary. [EVN-723] - Feature: Can now disable automatically trying to load graphs from the web (via cfg:disableURLGraphLoading configuration parameter). [PLAT-821] - Feature: Tasks can now be unassigned. [RDM-214] - Feature: Dataset editor now has buttons to switch between Form and Faceted Search. [EVN-762] - Feature: All vocabularies now have a section "Included By" on the General tab. [RDM-235] - Feature: Newly created instances, properties and classes can be initialized using sh:defaultValue. [EDG-51] - Feature: The small arrow behind resources on forms of most editors will now directly go to a resource in the vocabulary where it has been defined in, if such a vocabulary exists and the user has matching permissions. [EVN-888] - Feature: EVN now also includes the crosswalks vocabulary type. [EVN-912] - Feature: Added configuration (disableURLGraphLoading) option to disable attempts to load included graphs from the web. [PLAT-821] - Feature: Added SDB configuration option (sdbFetchSize) to improve caching speed. - Feature: Added SDB configuration option (sdbBatchSize) to improve loading speed. - Feature: Added SDB configuration options (mlUrl, mlUserName) for MarkLogic database support. - Feature: Add new SDB parameters to configuration UI. [EVN-904] - Feature: All new vocabularies now automatically owl:import a teamworkconstraints file with global SPIN/SHACL constraints, e.g. detecting duplicate values for swa:defaultNamespace. [EVN-635] - Feature: Added a generic constraint to detect malformed literals, e.g. "2008"^^xsd:date. [EDG-110] - Feature: External or missing owl:imports are displayed after RDF file import completed. [RDM-825] - Feature: Class Diagrams now also display properties defined from owl:unionOf domains. [EVN-724] - Feature: Ontology editor now has a ... button to search for classes or properties by text. [EVN-776] - Feature: Working copies now also store most recent change, displayed in working copies overview. [EVN-939] - Feature: Merging EVN concepts is now propagated into other vocabularies/content tag sets. [EVN-940] - Feature: New Statistics Report plugin for most vocabulary types. [EDG-118] - Feature: Evaluate AutoClassifier performance on available training data; requires Maui Server v1.1.1+ [EVN-664] - Feature: Content tag sets can be configured to use a training model from a different content tag set for the AutoClassifier, allowing for easier separation between training data and classification results. [EVN-618] - Feature: If unable to connect to specified Maui Server URL, we now report a specific error instead of generic "Connection failed". [EVN-656] - Feature: Option to limit the number of content resources to be used in AutoClassifier training. [EVN-663] - Feature: Show the project's graph URI on the General tab of content tag sets [EVN-962] - Feature: Export to Explorer wizard now has check boxes to preserve owl:imports, bypassing the "flattening". [TSM-90] - Feature: Opening Hierarchy of Instances is now available in the Taxonomy Editor [TSM-99] - Feature: Some browse operations such as opening a hierarchy of instances are now also available for users with viewer permissions. [EVN-995] - Feature: Committing working copies significantly faster now. [EDG-183] - Feature: Added a configuration parameter to prevent viewers from creating working copies. [EVN-771] - Change: RDM is superseded by EDG. [PLAT-964] - Change: Semantic XML no longer attempts to fetch an external DTD when opening an XML file. [TBC-384] - Change: Dropped teamwork:homePageTabAppName in favor of teamwork:homePageTab (from teamwork:Product) - Change: Tasks and Comments now need to be activated individually, and may apply to both EVN and RDM. [EVN-836] - Change: Form inclusion mechanism changes (see end of this document). [RDM-258] - Change: (For custom ProjectTypes:) Software Systems tab deleted (replaced with its own project type). - Change: Taxonomy and Ontology Editors and Explorers now have the Search panel minimized by default. [EVN-762] - Change: Vocabulary Browse and Search tabs have been combined into a single tab. [EVN-944] - Change: Direct users to configure the database if none is configured. [PLAT-1026] - Change: Task notification emails no longer contain a link to the specific task. [PLAT-1127] - Change: Better Error handling in case of files imported off the web. [EVN-793] - Bug fix: Newly created resources no longer report violations except on the primary key property, if exists. [EVN-713] - Bug fix: Administrators did not automatically have access to all vocabularies or working copies. [EVN-845] - Bug fix: Properties marked as swa:blankNodeProperty in the ui:graph will be displayed with nested forms in the search form. [EVN-812] - Bug fix: Auto-complete index now handles invalid datatypes more gracefully. [PLAT-822] - Bug fix: The instances grid (under class tree) was creating empty change-history entries. [EVN-861] - Bug fix: Inform the user that there are no committed working copies if there are no committed working copies. [EVN-795] - Bug fix: Spreadsheet import sometimes created spurious "empty" change history entries. [EVN-861] - Bug fix: Opening the actions menu (under resource and search forms) sometimes took a long time. [PLAT-690, PLAT-949] - Bug fix: "text matches regular expression" widget on search forms did escape meta-characters. [EVN-877] - Bug fix: Vocabularies are no longer showing for a user if that user lacks access permission to any (transitive) import of that vocabulary. [PLAT-884] - Bug fix: Search over date ranges is now tiezone insensitive. [EVN-790] - Bug fix: Fixed "Request-URI Too Long" error when displaying a chart of search results. [EVN-770] - Bug fix: Create Crosswalk page sometimes crashed when user went back to empty vocab selection. [RDM-265] - Bug fix: Includes dialog of Datasets now also lists EVN example ontologies. [RDM-259] - Bug fix: Importing an RDF file with change history recording sometimes attached owl:imports to wrong resource. [EVN-890] - Bug fix: Fixed import issues when trying to import a CSV file with multiline data [EVN-892] - Bug fix: Deleting a vocabulary sometimes failed due to permission issue. [EDG-34] - Bug fix: Spreadsheet template names can no longer be duplicates, and the files no longer show up in the Edit Includes dialog. [EVN-899] - Bug fix: Opening a class tree in cases of many subclasses took a long time; now limits at 500. [EVN-900] - Bug fix: Import Schema from Spreadsheet would fail if ANY_ROLE was not in AdministratorGroup. [EVN-863] - Bug fix: Fixed illegal prefix error if a vocabulary label started with a digit. [EVN-950] - Bug fix: Auto-complete index did not fully refresh when a file was imported that owl:imported SKOS. [EVN-953] - Bug fix: Edit forms now reject numeric literals with trailing spaces. [PLAT-1078] - Bug fix: Icons of resources that had other types besides skos:Concept are now consistent. [EVN-957] - Bug fix: Changing AutoClassifier language after first training had no effect. [EVN-584] - Bug fix: Don't try to authenticate to the SMPT server when it is configured for no authentication. [PLAT-1088] - Bug fix: Use the full server URL in notification eMails. [PLAT-1091] - Bug fix: Change tomcat favicon to TopBraid icon in web products. [EDG-143] - Bug fix: Check for Security Role ANY_ROLE when checking teamwork roles for users. [EDG-156] TopBraid Live, EVN, EDG - Feature: Improved error handling for invalid default graphs in SPARQL endpoint. [PLAT-871] - Feature: Base URI Management page now has links to download a graph as TTL file and to delete a file. [EVN-711] - Feature: Imports of RDF files are now logged both successful and unsuccessful. [EVN-540] - Feature: Added admin page to manage auto-complete indices. [EVN-953] - Feature: Server configuration page now has convenience links to download config.ttl and uiconfig.ttl graphs. [EDG-162] - Change: The SPARQL endpoint responds with HTTP 400 instead of 500 to queries that time out. - Change: The template servlet responds with HTTP 400 instead of 500 to client errors, such as missing mandatory arguments. [PLAT-1009] - Change: Poll LDAP for user changes on every request. [PLAT-1015] - Bug fix: SWP strict argument checking option is now limited to TBC-ME only, for development. [EVN-921] - Bug fix: Fixed "Unexpected end of JSON input" error. [EDG-112] - Feature: New vocabulary dialog validates default Namespace. [EDG-29] - Bug fix: Fixed UI issues in EDG configuration. [EDG-115] - Feature: Link to Concept button now functional in rich Text Editor for EDG projects. [EDG-96] - Feature: Required graphs can not longer be removed from a vocabulary. [EDG-63] - Feature: Improved "Available Web Services" page in server administration. [PLAT-994] - Bug fix: Fixed issue with Datatypes being able to include themselves [EDG-133] - Bug fix: Fixed bug where there was no server admin link after failed imports. [EDG-159] - Bug fix: Fixed bug where editor logo link was broken. [EDG-171] - Change: Update terminology in EDG and EVN to be relevant for new models [PLAT-1112]. - Change: Create link to EDG Help [PLAT-965] - Bug fix: Remove "RDM" from Enterprise Ontology example [EDG-161]. - Bug fix: Fix issue with EVN restart after renaming/deleting a permission group [PLAT-883]. - Change: Change 'asset' to 'resource' in Permission page [EDG-202]. - Change: Make sure Tab titles are product specific [EDG-196]. TopBraid Composer - All Editions - Feature: Added rdf:HTML to recommended datatypes. [TBC-430] - Feature: Much faster opening of nested forms with all properties. - Feature: Added a preference to stop TBC from looking on web for graphs not found in the file registry. [TBC-413] - Feature: Workspace is automatically refreshed before starting up. - Feature: Added preference to disable ARQ-specific SPARQL Syntax. [PLAT-789] - Feature: SPARQL view will remember and restore most recently used query. [TBC-339] - Bug fix: Crashes retrieving icons for some kinds of inconsistent classes. [TBC-431] - Bug fix: Import XSD wizard not using the targetNamespace entered. [TBC-446] - Bug fix: Activating the human-readable labels did not always work. [TBC-451] - Bug fix: SPARQL view's buttons to use base graph and inferences were ignored for UPDATEs. [TBC-456] - Change: "Create from HTML snippet…" action on ui:prototype now uses jsoup instead of jTidy for better HTML parsing. [PLAT-971] - Feature: Added option to SDB export wizard to force initialization of database. [TBC-142] - Feature: Added option to disable attempts to load included graphs from the web. [TBC-413] - Change: Upgrade embedded JRE to Java version 8u92 - Change: Linux version now uses embedded JRE - Bug fix: Remove duplicate published vocabularies from includes dialog. [EDG-78] TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - Removed: Support for Jena-based inferencing. [TBC-447] TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - Bug fix: Increase maxFormKeys when TBC-ME's Jetty starts up [TBC-454] - Feature: Added support for creating and editing MarkLogic database graphs. [PLAT-703] SPIN and SPARQL functions - Feature: Added new SPARQL functions: - smf:tripleDefinedIn - spif:graphSize - swa:countStringMatches - ui:convertHTMLToText - Bug fix: spif:regex would incorrectly return the default value if the regex matched but original input and substitution result were identical [PLAT-919] - Bug fix: tops:statementDefinedIn did not work on TopBraid server products. [PLAT-931] SPARQLMotion - Feature: sml:CheckConstraints now also runs SHACL constraint validation. [PLAT-855] - Bug fix: sml:ImportDirectoryWithTika no longer truncates content at 100,000 characters. [PLAT-920] SPARQL Web Pages - Feature: Added ui:CDATA to insert CDATA sections. [PLAT-1125] - Feature: swa:Actions can now have arg:excludedAppName values. [EVN-766] - Feature: Added option ui:full to ui:stringify. - Feature: swa:URIResourceEditor (the auto-complete component) now filters resources that don't match relevant SHACL shapes via sh:not. [EDG-95] - Bug fix: ui:overrides are now also replacing ui:headIncludes. [PLAT-804] SHACL Support - Feature: Comprehensive new capabilities for editing and validating SHACL-based models with both TBC and TB EVN/EDG products. Changes to the Form Inclusion Mechanism --------------------------------------- This may affect users of RDM/EDG and some users of EVN. These users may have to edit or delete customized forms for certain classes. Background: Up until version 5.1, RDM and EVN included an automated mechanism that created or modified the SWA form layouts of classes if certain vocabularies were included. These vocabularies are - (RACI properties for instances) - (RDM Fact properties) - (Status Vocabulary (for codes, concepts, instances, etc.)) When such includes were added, forms were modified to include sections for the new properties. The mechanism based on form manipulation was causing issues and was unnecessary fragile and complex. As of version 5.2, a different mechanism was implemented that internally uses SHACL definitions to represent form templates. Instead of modifying the forms for each class, a generic mechanism determines dynamically which sections need to be added, regardless of whether the class has a customized form or not. Migrating to 5.2: If you have included any of the 3 vocabularies mentioned above, you may see duplicate sections, e.g. two RACI sections, on your forms. The duplicates are the result of "legacy" form customizations which are now unnecessary. In order to get rid of the duplicate forms, either delete the customized forms or remove the sections that were automatically inserted by the previous mechanism.