TopBraid Suite 5.2.1 Overview: - All - TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - TopBraid Live, EVN and EDG - TopBraid Composer - All Editions - TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - SPIN and SPARQL Functions - SPARQLMotion - SPARQL Web Pages - SHACL Support All - Bug fix: Better support for Basic Auth in the PostRequest SPARQLMotion module. [TBS-18] TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Enterprise Data Governance (EDG) - Feature: Import DDL statements from SQL files into EDG data asset models and datatype models. [EDG-149] - Feature: Form for classes that are also shapes now include an expandable section on inherited properties. [PLAT-1161] - Feature: NeighborGram now has better handling of SHACL. [PLAT-1156] - Feature: Relevant Properties table now supports SHACL. [PLAT-1161] - Feature: Each vocabulary type now has a description that shows up as tool tip text in the main menu. [TBS-16] - Feature: Each property in Property Definitions section of Metadata tab for Reference Datasets now has a checkbox to manage corresponding edg:PropertyValueSets. [EDG-135] - Feature: Vocabularies overview now has direct hyperlinks to edit working copies. [TBS-21] - Feature: EDG vocabularies can now include (owl:import) other files from the workspace. [TBS-34] - Change: Editors that have both form and faceted search now use the column selection from the form also for faceted search. [TBS-53] - Bug fix: Class tree autoselect can now select nodes that are in the graph, but not in the tree. [PLAT-1188] - Bug fix: Count of content resources in AutoClassifier sometimes ignored data in includes. [TBS-12] - Bug fix: Dataset editor no longer allows users to "Create new..." from context menus unless the type is the main class, or a sub-class thereof. [EDG-230] - Bug fix: xsd:time search widget did not work correctly. [PLAT-1153] - Bug fix: Dataset editor no longer allows users to "Create new..." from context menus unless the type is the main class, or a sub-class thereof. [EDG-230] - Bug fix: xsd:time search widget did not work correctly. [PLAT-1153] - Bug fix: EDG editors no longer allow editing classes and properties on forms. Classes did not use the correct form layout in EDG. [EDG-240] - Bug fix: Edit/Reset form layout actions did not show up in context menu. [TBS-24] - Bug fix: Clone class operation only copied the first datatype/object property. [TBS-39] - Bug fix: Fixed performance issue with NeighborGram where large sets of data took a long time to render. [PLAT-1196] - Bug fix: No longer allow the import of RDF graph with missing owl:import resources. [TBS-33] - Bug fix: Find Vocabulary/Asset was unnecessarily slow and sometimes writing files in the workspace. [TBS-56] - Bug fix: Fixed layout bug due to line wrap in icon bar when class/concept tree gadget too narrow [TBS-61] - Bug fix: JS error when adding tag property graph to content tag set [TBS-50] - Bug fix: Changing project default namespace on General tab would not validate input [TBS-47] - Bug fix: Reverting changes (on the change history) that have been committed from a working copy did not work. [TBS-69] - Change: Seperate Assets from Other in Navigation menu. [PLAT-1049] TopBraid Live, EVN, EDG - Change: Made secure storage encryption algorithm configurable for server products. [PLAT-1139] - Change: Improve Includes dialog/general page. [PLAT-1157] - Bug fix: Long lived LDAP connections would fail if the LDAP server's idle client connection timeout was exceeded. [TBS-36] - Bug fix: LDAP users would not appear in search results if they were in roles nested beneath the roleBase. [TBS-40] TopBraid Composer - All Editions TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - Feature: Add EDG sample projects [EDG-234] SPIN and SPARQL functions - Feature: Added SPARQL function spif:graphExists. SPARQLMotion SPARQL Web Pages SHACL Support - Feature: Added dash:composite with support for cascading deletes both in TBC and EVN/EDG. [PLAT-1208] - Feature: Added dash:subSetOf.