TopBraid Suite 5.0.0 Overview: - All - TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Reference Data Manager (RDM) - TopBraid Insight - TopBraid Live, EVN and Insight - TopBraid Composer - All Editions - TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - SPIN and SPARQL Functions - SPARQLMotion - SPARQL Web Pages All - Feature: Added new file type .icg for Imports Closure Graphs - these can significantly boost the performance if a graph has many imported sub-graphs. [TBC-329] TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Reference Data Manager (RDM) - Change: Editing SKOS-XL labels now better handles reusable URI resources. Context menu behind these values now has a Create new... entry. [EVN-309]. - Feature: AutoClassifier added to EVN Tagger for automatic term assignment based on training data. [EVN-468] - Feature: Added Crosswalk feature to create mappings between vocabularies or data sets. [RDM-79] - Feature: New Notifications feature, with RACI matrix. [RDM-45] - Feature: RDM now has a Code Lookup tab that searches codes across all datasets. [RDM-82] - Feature: Added server configuration parameter so that changes to RDM tasks trigger emails. [EVN-533] - Feature: Create vocabulary pages now display a warning if a Label has already been used in another vocabulary. [EVN-352] - Feature: Added "Merge into Concept..." action to context menu under SKOS Concepts in Taxonomy editor. [EVN-376] - Feature: Default forms for classes and properties now also have a section "Other Properties". [EVN-462] - Feature: Improved spreadsheet importer performance by activating the SPINMap optimizer (known from TBC). [PLAT-10] - Feature: New generic interface for SPARQLMotion-based file importers. [RDM-128] - Feature: Class/Property tree in Ontology Editor now supports drag and drop. [EVN-165] - Feature: Added Comments tab to EVN's Working Copy screens. [EVN-491] - Feature: Nicer display of class characteristics (OWL restrictions) on class forms. - Feature: Default form of SKOS concepts now includes inverse direction widget for skos:hasTopConcept (labeled as "top concept of"). [EVN-359] - Feature: Hierarchical spreadsheet importers now have an option "Generate in inverse direction". [RDM-89] - Feature: Spreadsheet importers now allow selecting a target language per column. [RDM-122] - Feature: Added Simple TSV format to Export Saved Search page. [RDM-114] - Feature: Class tree no longer allows to create subclasses of a class with an owl:oneOf. [EVN-447] - Feature: Instances grid no longer allows to create instances of a class with an owl:oneOf. [EVN-447] - Feature: Class forms (Ontology Editor) now include a table of "relevant properties". [RDM-106] - Feature: Added /tbl/importSpreadsheetFromTemplate servlet for programmatic access to the EVN/RDM spreadsheet importer. [EVN-486] - Feature: SPIN constraints are now entered and displayed in the preferred user language, assuming matching spin:labelTemplates exist. [EVN-506] - Feature: SWA Search forms now support searching over magic SPIN properties that have matching domains. [PLAT-596] - Feature: Comments tab (for master graphs) now displays a link to delete any "orphan" comments (if they exist, about deleted resources). [EVN-499] - Feature: Form editor now also allows adding widgets for rdfs:label and rdfs:comment. [EVN-497] - Feature: Added Import Schema from Spreadsheet wizard for Ontology vocabularies. [RDM-119] - Feature: Added check box to not record all triples of a spreadsheet import in change history. [EVN-466] - Feature: Added action "Clone class" to the context menu of classes in the ontology editor. [EVN-500] - Feature: Added relationship tree to ontologies. [EVN-434] - Feature: Search forms now also display language tags on result values. [RDM-82] - Feature: For properties declared as owl:SymmetricProperty, the generic tree browser of RDM and EVN Ontologies will display all instances as roots. [PLAT-538] - Feature: Form layout editor now supports option "Add" box in edit mode for swa:ObjectsPlaceholders. This can be activated for classes with many properties, where the user should pick properties by hand. [PLAT-587] - Feature: Improved handling of untyped links (e.g. xsd:anyURI) to open new tabs in Tagger. [EVN-355] - Feature: Added a checkbox to the "Send Projects to TBL Server" in TBCME and TBL to make clearing the target servers' graphs before adding triples to the target graphs optional. In other words you can now make additive/update migrations from server to server. [PLAT-625] - Feature: Added the new Teamwork Role Manager so that users can easily manage roles for many EVN/RDM projects at one time. [EVN-404] - Feature: Added FIBO Example vocabulary (TBC-ME). [TBC-345] - Feature: Performance improvements with form rendering (esp many values). [EVN-557] - Feature: Class tree in EVN Taxonomy editor now also shows skos:ConceptScheme if set to start with owl:Thing. [EVN-600] - Change: Current Tags overlay window now has a maximum height of twice as much. [EVN-510] - Change: Remove samples from EVN and RDM product. **BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY WARNING** [EVN-449] [RDM-117] - Bug fix: Make common imports readable by ANY_ROLE. [EVN-488] - Bug fix: Fixed corner case in auto-complete index comparator. [EVN-493] - Bug fix: Internal working copy IDs now avoid special characters to avoid encoding issues on some platforms. [EVN-498] - Bug fix: Added stricter permission checking towards tag ids that are not initialized properly. [EVN-501] - Bug fix: EVN Tagger did not work correctly with EVN Ontology vocabularies as content graphs. [EVN-507] - Bug fix: Import from pattern sometimes created skos:prefLabels even if the target was not a taxonomy. [RDM-88] - Bug fix: Fixed a potential memory leak after importing large RDF files. [EVN-513] - Bug fix: Remove swa:keyProperties. [EVN=476] - Bug fix: Added metadata and imports to public graphs. [EVN-487] - Bug fix: Create resource dialogs now perform constraint checking, e.g. to make sure that primary keys are valid. [RDM-124] - Bug fix: Affected Working Copies dialog was sometimes too high. [EVN-543] - Bug fix: Create Clone should be disabled if no graph store is configured. [EVN-541] - Bug fix: Deleting a class now also deletes depending properties. [RDM-141] - Bug fix: Suppressed misleading error dialog on leaving a page while Ajax call in progress. [RDM-145] TopBraid Insight TopBraid Live, EVN and Insight - Feature: Added admin page "Log of SPARQL Function Calls" (not activated for TBC-ME, use SPIN Statistics there). [PLAT-451] - Feature: SWA search forms now display a language selection box for "text contains" search. [EVN-454] - Feature: SWA-based forms now automatically display values of magic SPIN properties, if they have matching rdfs:domain. [PLAT-370] - Feature: SPARQL end point now supports short graph names as entered in Server Configuration. [PLAT-27] e.g. /tbl/sparql/kennedys?query=... - Feature: SPIN template servlet now also supports CONSTRUCT templates (Turtle or RDF/XML). [PLAT-472] - Feature: Ability to delete orphaned nodes in an SDB - 'SDB vacuum'. [PLAT-540] - Feature: Ability to view and abort currently running queries - Query Management Page. [PLAT-579] - Feature: Can use BASIC authentication with SPARQL endpoints. The username and password are stored in and retrieved from secure storage. [PLAT-545] - Bug fix: SPARQL end point now has an optional time out configuration. [PLAT-420] - Bug fix: Uploading/overwriting an existing project with a zip file sometimes prematurely triggered a refresh, causing broken references (missing imports) and other possible errors. [PLAT-600] - Bug fix: Better error handling for corrupted TDB. [PLAT-511] - Bug fix: Show better error message when object was not closed. [PLAT-559] - Bug fix: Search servlets need to use localization for ui:label. [PLAT-576] - Bug fix: Toggling the property selection check/count boxes on search forms often triggered blue background selection. [TRIVIAL] TopBraid Composer - All Editions - Change: SPINMap Optimizer is now activated by default (see SPIN preferences). [PLAT-10] - Change: Sesame client library is now upgraded to support the latest Sesame server version up to 2.8.1. [PLAT-593] - Change: Range of owl:deprecated changed to xsd:boolean to simplify setting to true. [TRIVIAL] - Change: Updated FIBO Ontology to 1.0 beta 2 (March 2015) [TBC-345] - Feature: Classes view now has a button to hide system classes. [TRIVIAL] - Feature: Forms now only display widgets for the first 200 properties to avoid "Out of Handles" exceptions. [PLAT-586] - Feature: The system now asks to reload the graph when a file has been edited from the outside. [TBC-293] - Feature: LSON-LD support moved into TBC-FE. [PLAT-531] - Feature: TBC Source Code tab now supports JSON-LD (warning, still quite verbose). [TBC-312] - Feature: LSON-LD reader now redirects to local @context files if they have matching @id and are stored in files ending with ".context.jsonld" (see JSON-LD in TBC help pages). [PLAT-531] - Feature: Added feature to detect unused imports to Imports View. [TBC-333] - Feature: Fixed an extract SPIN function wizard layout issue. [TRIVIAL] - Feature: Experimental support for evolving W3C SHACL standard - not at all fit for production use. [PLAT-617] - Bug fix: SPARQL results viewer no longer crashes on strings with undefined language (including better support for Maori, Urdu and Farsi). [TBC-338] - Bug fix: Upgraded the out of date and deprecated Google GeoCode API implementation in the smf:geocode to use the new v3. [TBC-342] TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - Bug fix: Spreadsheet importer's success message sometimes appeared before the Confirm Overwrite dialog. [TBC-337] TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - Feature: SPINMap now supports arbitrary SPARQL Path expressions. To get started, drag a connection from the upper right corner of the source class into a target property. [TBC-279] - Feature: TBC top menu is changed to remove 'Project' and add 'TopBraid Applications'. [TBC-319] - Bug fix: It was possible to assign empty {! ... } blocks in SWP, leading to a crash. [TBC-316] - Bug fix: SWP Debugger only stopped at breakpoints if the element had at least one query in it. [TBC-327] - Bug fix: Better error handling at ui:resultSet in SWP inline editor. [PLAT-480] - Bug fix: Bundle Github back into TBCME deliverable. [TBC-308] - Bug fix: Menu to open .ttlx files was calling them RDF/XML files. [TRIVIAL] SPIN and SPARQL functions - Feature: New magic property spif:evalPath to evaluate a SPARQL 1.1 path given as a string. [TBC-279] - Feature: Added spinmapl:buildURI replacing spif:buildURI in the context of SPINMap. [PLAT-610] - Feature: Added constraint templates spl:StringLengthPropertyConstraint and spl:TypePropertyConstraint. [PLAT-613] - Feature: Added function smf:userEmail to retrieve the email address of an (LDAP) user. - Bug fix: Better error messages for some SPL constraint templates. [TRIVIAL] - Bug fix: ORDER BY clauses did not round-trip correctly in SPIN RDF syntax with aggregations. [PLAT-621] - Bug fix: Fixed two issues with constraint checking against blank nodes in spinowl.ttl. [TRIVIAL] SPARQLMotion - Feature: sml:ConvertXMLToRDF now has a flag sml:replace to only return the new triples. [TBC-66] - Feature: sml:ExportToZIPFile is added to allow users to export the files specified in sourceFilePath into a zip file in targetFilePath. [PLAT-598] - Feature: sml:ImportXMLFile and sml:ImportXMLFromURL now have a flag sml:ignoreDoctype to allow for opening XML documents where the DTD or schema may be unavailable. [PLAT-605] - Removed: Custom OpenCalais support - you can continue using it via GET requests (sml:ImportRDFFromURL etc). [TBC-340] - Bug fix: RDF2XML does not put namespace qualifier in attribute generated. [PLAT-599] - Bug fix: better error handling in sendEmail module and added comments to email:attachment. [TBC-336] - Bug fix: sml:ImportNewsFeed is more robust against blank nodes. [PLAT-630] SPARQL Web Pages - Feature: Added logging of the SPARQL queries used by the SWA search form when VERBOSE logging is activated. [PLAT-594] - Feature: Added ui:setGlobalVar and ui:globalVarValue. - Feature: Added swon:String and swon:Quote. [TRIVIAL] - Feature: Added flag ui:checkConstraints to ui:transaction (for EVN/RDM only). [RDM-124] - Feature: ui:label now prefers deeper sub-properties over their parents. [PLAT-627] - Feature: Added ui:bind/ui:stringify to easily turn SWP snippets into string variables. - Bug fix: Fixed a problem with restoring saved searches on nested objects. - Bug fix: Fixed issues with encoding URIs or labels contains ' in search results grid (also affecting EVN/RDM). [EVN-577] - Change: swa:ObjectsEnums now hide completely in edit mode, if none of the properties defined in the enumeration have an rdf:type.