TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) and Reference Data Manager (RDM) - Bug fix: SKOS matching relationships no longer showed up on edit forms. [EVN-632] - Bug fix: Removed duplicate menu entry "Open faceted search window..." from RDM. [RDM-191] - Improvement: Disable all users ability to read *.tch files if tobraid.restrictTch is set to true [EVN-647] - Bug fix: Crash with NPE during import of a spreadsheet if AdministratorGroup is not in AnyRole under permission group management. [EVN-655] - Bug fix: Set enums to alwaysDisplay to fix problem with Custom Configuration Page [EVN-622] - Bug fix: To repackage proper library into the Sesame plugin so that Allegro graph plugin will operate properly. [PLAT_727] - Bug fix: To allow proper manager function on taxonomy even if that manager does not belong to the 'AdministratorGroup'. [EVN-665] - Bug fix: To fix currentUser NPE when importing spreadsheet taxonomy in hierarchy tree format. [EVN-670] - Bug fix: Saving RACI configuration crashed when user doesn't belong to the 'AdministratorGroup'. [EVN-671] - Bug fix: Adding a nested form for blank node properties sometimes disabled its nested + buttons. [EVN-674] SHACL - Updated: Tracking latest SHACL specification