TopBraid Suite 4.6.0 Overview: - All - TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) - TopBraid Insight - TopBraid Live, EVN and Insight - TopBraid Composer - TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - SPIN and SPARQL Functions - SPARQLMotion - SPARQL Web Pages All - Feature: Updated to version from 2014-08-25 - Change: Upgraded the underlying http-client library for the software so that the client now supports the -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8800 properties (e.g. sml:ExportToSolrFields, deployment via TBCME to EVN/TBL, sml:PostRequest) - Change: (Backward Compatibility Issue) As of 4.6.0 we will no longer accept numerical license keys for all products, they will not be supported further. - Product: New TopBraid product: Reference Data Manager, based on EVN. - Bug fix: Fixed some leaking connections in D2RQ connection management. - Bug fix: Updated to JTidy R938 TopBraid Live - Feature: Read-only support for the Linked Data Platform standard TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) - Change: Navigation pages of EVN have been redesigned using tabs and more icons. - Change: Keywords moved from teamwork:keyword to metadata:keyword. Use the following to migrate existing projects:http://localhost:8083/tbl/swp?_viewClass=teamwork:MigrateKeywords - Change: The term "Includes" is now used instead of "Imports" for the owl:import relationship between EVN vocabularies. "Import" now only refers to physically adding triples instead of referencing. Feature: Ability to capture vocabulary metadata beyond just the name and description. By default 4 fields are available, additional fields can be added as required. Feature: Ability to search and browse for vocabularies based on their metadata. - Feature: New generic spreadsheet importer that can be executed repeatedly with (SPIN) rules defined by a power user. - Feature: There is now a server configuration parameter to activate a mode in which SPIN constraint violations block editing (disallow hitting OK to overrule the violation). This can be controlled on a finer level for each constraint via the new spin:violationLevel property (spin:Fatal is never allowed through). - Feature: "Show History" mode now shows more details about changes committed to master from a working copy. - Feature: Clearing a vocabulary is now considerably faster, and recorded in the change history. - Feature: Added Export to JSON-LD feature. - Feature: Saved searches will now show up as available exports with a choice to get a downloadable spreadsheet, XML or JSON file of the results. - Feature: Teamwork TCH graphs now keep track of the most recent change, using teamwork:lastChange. This info is now displayed in the summary views of EVN vocabularies. - Feature: Added new named graph containing dynamically created instances of sioc:UserAccount and sioc:Role. - Feature: Ontologies now have a flag to be in no-instances mode, only allowing classes and properties. - Feature: Added new standard example Tagger project for classic paintings. - Feature: Class/property trees now show imported (included) classes/properties with greyish icons (like TBC). -Feature: Added ability to record usage of vocabularies in external systems - Feature: Added ability to select in the search form properties of the nested (related) resources to be shown as columns in the search results. - Feature: The output of the spreadsheet importer (using pattern) can now be saved and reused as template. - Feature: The spreadsheet importer(s) now have an option to overwrite triples (from previous runs). - Feature: Added ability to define a “primary key” property for a class. When such property is declared for a class, its values are used to generate URIs for the class members – thus, it must contain unique values. - Feature: The spreadsheet importer now supports creating of relationships (object properties) from spreadsheet columns, as long as the target property points at a class that declares a primary key and the column contains primary key values for that class. - Feature: The spreadsheet importer now detects and reports duplicate primary keys, if the spreadsheet has multiple rows for the same entity, assuming that the target class declares a primary key. - Bug fix: Restoring a search did not always restore the class name in the type selection drop down. - Bug fix: The property forms on the taxonomy editor now include the "At most one value" box (again). - Bug fix: Edit rules (such as the one for updating symmetric property values) did not fire correctly for working copies that contained a space (or similar special characters). - Bug fix: "contains" search no longer creates regular expressions as match patterns. - Bug fix: Fixed lots of broken links in the help - Bug fix: Fixed various issues within the RDM currency code and country examples - Bug fix: The Create dialogs no longer produce untyped literals that were later replaced by typed literals. - Bug fix: If untyped literals were replaced by typed literals, the change history sometimes did not record the added new triple correctly. - Bug fix: Fixed a workspace upgrade bug from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0. TopBraid Insight - Feature: Added support for mapping related source classes to single target class. - Feature: Added support for conditional mapping. - Feature: Comprehensive restructuring of LinkMap definition and linking algorithms. TopBraid Live, EVN and Insight - Feature: "Search any Text" field now has a checkbox to activate case sensitive search. - Feature: SPIN Template servlet now also handles UPDATE templates. - Bug fix: SPIN Template servlet now prints proper error messages (again). - Bug fix: Fixed an issue where project uploads from MACOSX where failing if the project .zip file contained the __MACOSX metadata folder when it was zipped up. TopBraid Composer - Change: The SPARQL view no longer binds ?this to the currently selected resource. There is now a button in the SPARQL view to re-activate the old behavior. - Change: Removed remaining references to "N3" which was replaced by Turtle long ago. - Feature: New Text Search view, allowing quick access to resource by string values. - Feature: Better instructions on how to activate OWL 2 RL rules when SPIN is the inference engine. - Feature: "Find References" and "Find usages in Workspace" now also detect references in sp:text strings. - Feature: Renaming a resource now also replaces occurrences of that resource in sp:text strings. - Bug fix: Source code tab now uses all namespace prefixes from imports for editing. - Bug fix: stops an error from being thrown when you start up TBC on a linux based computer indicating that /css/e4_classic_winxp.css could not be found. - Bug fix: Ontology Overview tab now also shows up even if there is no owl:Ontology with the base URI. - Feature: SPINMap now supports a new type mappings, for multi-value cells of string tokens split by a separator such as "," or " ". - Feature: SPINMap now has an option to hide the unused properties, creating more compact diagrams. - Feature: Class diagram button to add properties to a class now opens a dialog that can be narrowed down to show suggested properties only. Also, already existing properties are no longer shown. - Feature: SPINMap now supports right-clicks on a context node to change its type, and right-clicks on a mapping node to edit it as an expression (without deleting the underlying nodes). - Feature: SPINMap create mapping dialog usability improvements. - Feature: Added a File > New wizard to create SPINMap files, with instructions on how to get started. - Feature: D2RQ import wizard now allows selection of properties to be included in instance URI's. - Feature: D2RQ import wizard now provides switch to allow link entities to be processed as classes instead of object properties. - Feature: Included a "TBC-friendly" copy of the FIBO ontology - Feature: added a dialog warning users if they still have an outdated numeric license key TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition Only - Feature: Added "TopBraid RDM" link to the System menu that redirects the user to the RDM product directly - Change: Strict argument checking moved from TBC preferences into TBL Server Configuration Parameters. - Feature: Create RDF/SWP file wizard now always uses .ui.* ending and automatically registers the new file in the global SWP graph registry (manually refreshing is no longer required). - Feature: Better form layout for editing SWP elements in TBC. - Feature: Right-click on an SWP element on the form opens the snippet in a separate HTML editor. On save (CTRL-S) the editor will close and the new value assigned. - Feature: Added tool bar button to open the current graph with the SWA default application. - Bug fix: SWP debugger now also stops on breakpoints at prototypes called via ui:dynamicView. SPIN and SPARQL functions - Change: SPIN template calls now explicitly use the spl:defaultValues of declared arguments. - Feature: Added spin:violationValue and spin:violationLevel (with values such as Error and Warning). - Feature: spin:constraints based on sp:Ask can directly declare an rdfs:label or spin:violationPath which will be used as default values for the constructed constraint violations. - Feature: Added spl:PrimaryKeyPropertyConstraint (and corresponding UI support in SWA and SPINMap). - Feature: Added spin:constructViolations, spin:violatesConstraints and spin:violationDetail. - Feature: Added SPARQL function spif:decodeURL as the inverse of spif:encodeURL. - Feature: Added smf:user function. - Feature: Added spinmap:Conditional-Mapping-1-1. SPARQLMotion - Feature: Added new module sml:CopyFile. - Feature: Added flag sml:html to sml:CallCalais to send text as HTML. - Feature: sml:ConvertTextToRDF now also supports JSON-LD. SPARQL Web Pages - Change: arg:tabular has been replaced with arg:linear, making tabular widget layout the default. - Change: The SWP servlet no longer uses the currently open TBC model as its default graph (use _base). - Feature: Added swa:EditableGridGadget, a variation of search result grids with add, edit and delete buttons. - Feature: Strict argument checking (for the presence of non-optional arguments) now available from TBL. - Feature: Added swa:Documents and related elements, e.g. automatic creation of TOCs. - Feature: Added inline editor components (swa:TextFieldInlineEditor etc). - Feature: Added SPARQL function ui:baseGraph (inverse of ui:unionOfGraphs). - Feature: Added search:defaultSearch to determine how an swa:FormSearchGadget shall pre-populate. - Feature: Auto-complete fields can now be opened with the cursor-down key (even without any letter). - Feature: Added control element ui:setPrefix.