TopBraid Suite 4.5.0: release notes Overview: - TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) - TopBraid Insight - TopBraid Live - Platform - General - SPIN, SPARQLMotion and SPARQL Functions - SPARQL Web Pages (SWP) - SWP Application Components Library (SWA) - TopBraid Composer - All Editions - TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition only Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) - Feature: All EVN applications now use a more flexible browser window management. Users can open multiple (view) forms, tree and chart windows and resize them. One dedicated (unclosable) form window remains the primary window for editing. - Feature: The context menu of a class now has an item to display a hierarchical tree of class members/instances using any selected relationship. For example, this can be used to display a has-part relationship for all instances of a class Equipment. - Feature: Support for the SKOS-XL standard to allow labels to be not only text strings, but also reasources or objects. - Feature: Partial commit of working copies. Comparison report (of a working copy) now has a button to directly commit each individual change if the current user has editing permission to the master graph. - Feature: Web-based form layout editor, Currently only available for ontologies (not taxonomies). - Feature: Ontologies can now be published into a Viewer server (previously this was only available for SKOS Taxonomies). - Feature: RDF and spreadsheet import can now be logged in the change history. - Feature: Import of RDF files into a working copy (previously only available for production versions). - Feature: Show History mode now also displays the comment attached to each teamwork:Change entry. - Feature: Change history entries for RDF file and spreadsheet import now also mention the file name. - Feature: Tagger makes it now easier to find concepts that have not been tagged yet: the search form on the left side (if the subjects graph is another EVN project) can be used to find concepts that have no value for, e.g. has exact match. - Feature: EVN roles (viewer, editor, manager) can now also be assigned to LDAP/tomcat security roles instead of individual users. - Feature: Symmetric properties such as skos:related will now be automatically be maintained in both directions, i.e. if ?s ?p ?o gets added then ?o ?p ?s gets added too. - Feature: Role assignments for users that no longer exist are now automatically deleted when a project's manager logs into the project's main page. - Feature: Added "Display chart of search results" option. - Feature: Additional search configuration options: The search forms now have an option to compute the number of values (count) of a given property, and return those as a column instead of the actual values. This can be used in conjunction with the new charting features to generate reports. - Feature: The search forms can now be used to search for matching instances that have a given number of values (min/max cardinality) for selected properties. - Feature: EVN Ontology editor now also supports Rich text editor and rdf:HTML datatype. TopBraid Insight - Feature: Enhanced search results that return with provenance of search items listed - Feature: Additional search configuration options added - Feature: Added "Display chart of search results" option. TopBraid Live - Feature: TBL SDB back-end can now be marked for caching at start-up - Feature: It is now possible to select the graphs that shall be cached at start-up individually. - Feature: Added server configuration parameter for verbose logging. - Feature: New Admin Page for Password Management - Feature: New Cloning Option for ease in defining new permissions groups - Feature: Redesigned Group Management Page for ease of defining group and role permissions Platform General - Feature: SPARQL end point now also supports (most of) the UPDATE protocol. This is disabled by default and can be enabled via a server configuration parameter. - Feature: Performance improvements to the forms and views. - Feature: Support for JSON-LD as RDF serialization format (load/save of .jsonld files). - Feature: Concurrent writes for SDB significantly improving performance of write operations. - Feature: TDB now also supports dynamic named graphs, like SDB: a single .tdb connection file can include any number of named graphs, if their URI starts with the main TDB's URI. - Feature: License files instead of license keys to allow for more flexibility in licensing and decrease the number of keys. License keys are still supported while users migrate to the new mechanism. - Updated: TopBraid's versions updated to 1.2 (with Actions support) SPIN, SPARQLMotion and SPARQL functions - Feature: Added built-in functions spin:ask, spin:construct and spin:select to execute SPIN queries. - Feature: Added SPARQL function spif:shortestSubjectsPath. - Feature: Added SPIN function spr:colWithName. - Feature: Added several magic properties to query user authentication assets, permissions, roles. - Feature: New SPARQLMotion module added to download a file from a URL and save to workspace SPARQL Web Pages (SWP) - Feature: Added new function ui:encodeContext for context-sensitive Ajax support. - Feature: New control element to set the HTTP response status code. SPARQL Web Page Application Components Library (SWA) - Feature: New support for flexible portal-like windowing, including the ability to open new windows dynamically, and resize or close them. Used by SWA default app and all EVN apps. - Feature: New mechanism to declare dependencies between properties so that the range of one property changes depending on other values of a given resource (spl:dynamicEnumRange). - Feature: New SWA Charts components: swa:BarChart, DonutChart, FilledAreaChart, LineChart, PieChart. - Feature: New component swa:GenericTreeGadget that can display any relationship for a given class, with a property selected by the user. - Feature: swa:BorderLayout and FullScreenBorderLayout now have an option to remember the layout in the browser. - Feature: SWA auto-complete field editors now have a placeholder text such as "Select Concept" to indicate the expected type. - Feature: Search form enhancements to support calculation of counts and searches based on cardinality. TopBraid Composer - All Editions - Feature: Improved form layouts for spin:Functions and spin:MagicProperties - Feature: Forms now support editing rdf:HTML literals. - Feature: Improved error handling on editing spin:body of magic properties. TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - Feature: New context menu item at ui:instanceView: Create default SWA form, plus corresponding menu item to open the web-based editor for a given form definition. - Feature: SWP and SPIN editors on forms now scroll the surrounding form to make the cursor visible.