TopBraid Suite 3.6.0 Overview: - All - Enterprise Vocabulary Net (See also TopBraid Live, TopBraid Ensemble and SPARQL Web Pages) - TopBraid Live - TopBraid Live and TopBraid Ensemble - TopBraid Ensemble - TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - TopBraid Composer - All Editions - SPIN and SPARQL Functions - SPARQLMotion - SPARQL Web Pages - TopBraid Live Flex SDK All - Feature: Missing passwords are systematically retrieved from secure storage. - Feature: Improvements in storing passwords in secure storage. - Feature: Printing timestamp on all logged messages. - Feature: Online help for Editing Ontologies. - Feature: Online help for Working with the Currently Displayed Resource. - Feature: Online help for Data Integration. - Feature: Online help for Faceted Search Support. - Feature: Online help for SPARQL End points. - Feature: Online help for SPIN Template Service. - Upgrade: TopBraid Suite is now based on Eclipse Indigo release. - Upgrade: Oracle JDBC driver from to - Upgrade: Oracle I18N support from to - Upgrade: Sesame 2 adapter from 2.4.0 to 2.6.2. - Bug fix: D2RQ now uses the same drivers in dropins directory as SDB. - Bug fix: Improved the stability of TDB graphs in TopBraid. - Bug fix: Improved the stability of SDB graphs in TopBraid. - Bug fix: A keep-alive for SDB graphs is now used. - Bug fix: TopBraid Composer and TopBraid Live passwords are now separated in secure storage. - Dropped: 'Skipping Caching' log message. Enterprise Vocabulary Net - Feature: Added Publish feature that generates a browsable copy of an EVN vocabulary, based on HTML and Ajax suitable for large numbers of (public) viewers. - Feature: Added IPTC data as a second sample. - Feature: New option to manually detect orphan hierarchies. - Faster: Start up with large vocabularies. - Bug fix: Export RDF/XML no longer includes imports or system triples. - Bug fix: Dictionary updates for the production copy were incomplete. - Bug fix: Change history details were sometimes showing empty cells. - Bug fix: Change history was having trouble if a change log entry contained the ' character. - Bug fix: Improved locking for management operations. - Change: Minor change to drag and drop of top level node in the concept hierarchy. - Change: Orphan hierarchies are not automatically detected and added. TopBraid Live - Feature: Improved logging at start up. - Feature: SPIN Template service that exposes SPIN templates as RESTful API. - Feature: SPARQL end point (tbl/sparql) now supports all mime types from the spec as well as default-graph-uri. - Feature: Reports on progress on dictionary creation. - Change: Internal locks are now 'fair' by default, see server configuration. - Bug fix: Extensive work-around of memory leak Java bug 7146977 - Bug fix: Faceted search: facets selected in "or" mode will always display all values. - Bug fix: The HTTP User Agent is now given as TopBraidLive/3.6.0. - Bug fix: Errors at start up are reported according to J2EE conventions. - Change: Some of the files in the project have moved. TopBraid Live and TopBraid Ensemble - Faster: Adding imports of large graphs using SPARQLMotion to TBE sessions. - Faster: At startup, adding imports of large graphs using SPARQLMotion to TBE sessions is much faster. - Faster: Temporary TBLNNNNN.ttl files are no longer used. - Bug fix: Grid behaves correctly after saving changes. - Bug fix: A race condition in simultaneous saves for SDB backed TBE graphs. - Bug fix: Dictionary updates failed when there were imports from the Web. - Bug fix: Counts were occasionally incorrect. TopBraid Ensemble See for sketch help for undocumented new features. - Feature: Right-click menu options available on most components, under '[component type name] Context Menu Items'. - Feature: A 'Component URI' attribute for SPARQLMotion integration. - Feature: 'This component has come into view' event on all components. - Feature: An error message is given for missing icons. - Feature: Attribute 'Divider Width Between Components' on the main application. - Feature: New event on the Basket to removed all items. - Feature: The Basket can be modified by SPARQLMotion. - Feature: Search Form attribute 'Include class name in results variables'. - Feature: Search Form support for SPARQL GRAPH clause. - Feature: Search Form support for SPARQL ORDER BY clause. - Feature: Results Grid attribute 'Loading Increment'. - Feature: An Index Component which displays an A-Z index. - Feature: Grid Component event listener for prefix filtering. - Feature: Grid Component event listener for stopping prefix filtering. - Feature: 'Click Resource Link' event on Grid Component. - Feature: The SPARQL ORDER BY clause is displayed as an arrow in the Grid. - Feature: Resource links in the Grid displayed as hyperlinks. - Feature: Tooltips on Incoming and Outgoing menus in Graph Visualization. - Feature: The SPARQL Editor can modify and resave any stored query. - Feature: Resources in a Form Component appear as hyperlinks when the component has a post event configured for Click Resource Link. - Feature: Query Library component shows a grid with columns for 'comment', 'date created', and 'date modified'. - Feature: A 'View Details' menu entry in the right menu on the Query Library. - Faster: Tree widgets load faster, when the tree has many grandchildren. - Faster: Form widgets load faster, when the widget has many values. - Bug fix: Position of the customizable icon in utility bar. - Bug fix: Backward highlighting in the rich text editor. - Bug fix: Read-only Forms no longer dispatch 'Changing values complete'. - Bug fix: Widget groups for rdf:Property now display untyped predicates. - Bug fix: Sometimes executing a subsequent search in the grid did not load any search results. - Bug fix: The Tree count property would incorrectly reset to rdf:type on save application. - Bug fix: The value of 'Default expand' in the Tree was frequently ignored. - Bug fix: Restored options to remove or delete an edge in Graph Visualization. - Bug fix: Dropdowns in SPARQLMotion Player were not filtered. - Bug fix: The tooltip and style on the toggle history button of the History Form now track the form's resource. - Bug fix: The tooltip on the history button of the History Form Component was incorrect. - Bug fix: OPTIONAL clauses generated by Search Form after clearing fields. - Bug fix: Restoring OPTIONAL clauses of stored search in the Search Form. - Bug fix: Reloading a stored search in the Search Form, after making changes. - Bug fix: Storing parts of saved searches where only the check box is checked. - Change: Most components in a tabless container have a border. - Change: The project for a new application will default to that of the data model being viewed. - Change: Grid Component displays total number of results for SPARQL queries. - Change: Grid Component will initially sort match results by dictionary labels. - Change: The Map Component uses the MapQuest API's for mapping and geocoding. - Change: A MapQuest Application Key is now required by the Map component. TopBraid Composer - Maestro Edition - Feature: XML Schema import more comprehensively converts XML Schema to OWL. - Feature: SXML mapping can be significantly customized using an XML Schema. - Feature: SXML mapping can be significantly customized using an ontology. - Feature: Improved Semantic XML importer. - Feature: .xml files can now reliably instantiate a given schema, independent of the importing RDF/OWL. - Feature: New export wizard for XML from RDF/OWL. - Feature: A subset of Turtle with predictable stable serialization is now included. Intended for use with source code control systems. - Feature: Logging of SWP pseudo-code on errors in SWP pages. - Bug fix: Tool tip texts of SPARQLMotion modules in palette were too long. - Bug fix: Variable bindings preview in SPARQLMotion graph nodes was sometimes too long. - Bug fix: Some interactions with the Geography view did not work on Windows. - Bug fix: The HTTP User Agent is now given as TopBraidComposerME/3.6.0. - Bug fix: SPINMap diagram layout sometimes contained overlapping mapping boxes. - Bug fix: SPARQLMotion web services now correctly encode unicode characters. - Dropped: BIRT integration is no longer supported. - Dropped: SPARQL JSP tags and sml:CreateTextFromJSP no longer supported. If you have legacy files that need these features, use TBC 3.5.x to migrate them to SWP, or continue using 3.5 to run them. - Change: XML Schema export now only available with a request at TopBraid Composer - Standard and Maestro Editions - Feature: The class Diagrams are now editable. - Feature: Improved Semantic Tables importer for Excel, TSV and CSV files. - Feature: Graph and Diagram tabs display a scrollable thumbnail. - Feature: Improved selectivity in D2RQ wizard (Create Connection for RDBMS Source). - Feature: When needed for database connections, a password prompt is used. - Feature: A new dialog in the Model menu to add new passwords to secure storage. - Feature: SWP Browser can now also navigate to views defined in a global .ui.* file. - Bug fix: Print button on Graph and Diagram tabs now also activated on Mac. - Bug fix: Graph popup menu did not handle zooming correctly. - Bug fix: The HTTP User Agent is now given as TopBraidComposerSE/3.6.0. - Bug fix: Graph view now updates immediately if preferences change. - Bug fix: Sesame 2 adapter was unable to handle certain SPARQL queries that had literals in the subject position of a BGP. - Bug fix: RSS and Atom feeds with bad URIs were mishandled. - Bug fix: Import Tab-Delimited Spreadsheet File wizard was broken. - Change: XML Schema import now only available in TopBraid Composer Maestro Edition. - Change: Generated D2RQ schema ontologies don't import DC any more, but declare and use dc:creator locally. - Dropped: Support for Java development within Composer is discontinued. - Dropped: The eclipse extension points internal to TopBraid are no longer documented. - Dropped: Pellet inference engine is no longer in TopBraid. TopBraid Composer - All Editions - Feature: It is now possible to change the display and edit fonts used by TopBraid Composer. - Feature: Eclipse eGit support added. We recommend use of other Git tools in addition to eGit. - Feature: Reorganized TopBraid Composer help is easier to navigate and search. - Feature: The serializer used for Turtle files can be configured at the Workspace, Project or File level. - Feature: Create instance dialog now has a field to select a new property's range. - Feature: SPIN statistics are now optionally also collected for each SPARQL/SPIN function call. - Feature: Added context menu action "Add triples for this resource", similar to "Import triples for this resource..." but directly adding triples to the current graph. - Feature: Check namespace prefixes (on Ontology Overview page) now also has an option to run the check across all files in the workspace. - Feature: INSERT DATA and DELETE DATA are supported in the SPARQL view. - Feature: Widget groups for rdf:Property will display widgets for untyped predicates for which the resource of the form has a value. - Faster: Refreshing the Properties View is much faster. - Faster: Added SPINMap optimizer. - Bug fix: SPIN statistics view sometimes became unresponsive. - Bug fix: Results of a CONSTRUCT query in the SPARQL view were sometimes slowing down the general UI. - Bug fix: The HTTP User Agent is now given as TopBraidComposerFE/3.6.0. - Bug fix: Several broken links in the help system are fixed. - Bug fix: Export wizard now honors RDF/XML abbrev selection. - Bug fix: Link to DBpedia feature choked on resources with no valid local name. - Bug fix: Entering user-defined OWL 2 datatype literals. - Bug fix: spif:countMatches did not work if some bound values were bnodes or literals. - Bug fix: Sorted Turtle writer did not order blank nodes correctly. - Bug fix: SPARQL view did not pre-bind ?this for INSERT/DELETE commands. - Bug fix: Ontology Profile tab's spin:imports were not removed if user unchecked box. - Bug fix: Display of enumerations with owl:allValuesFrom. - Bug fix: The .ini file was being corrupted when installing SVN or using dropins. - Bug fix: Table of Contents entries in online help match help panel titles. - Change: Modifications to the TopBraid Composer.ini file, must also be made in TopBraid Composer.ini.orig. - Change: Renamed context menu item "Explore/import this namespace..." to "Import triples for this resource...". - Change: Widget groups no longer show properties with rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource. - Change: If the rdfs:range is changed, then the system no longer automatically deletes objects that cannot be converted into the new range. Others are converted as before. - Change: Included JRE (Windows only) is now version 1.6.0_26. - Change: Create New... and Export wizards now no longer offer .n3, .rdfs or .owl file types. - Change: TopBraid/Linked Models folder is now TopBarid/LinkedModels. - Change: For Java developers, TopBraid now offers API support only for dataset access, custom SPARQL functions and custom SPARQLMotion modules (Maestro Edition). - Dropped: Support for RDFa editing within JSP pages is discontinued. RDFa within HTML is still supported. - Dropped: Inference Explanations view is no longer available. Explanations remain available for SPIN in the Inferences View. SPIN and SPARQL functions - Feature: spif:for now also accepts a third argument to specify traversal direction. - Feature: added spif:shortestObjectsPath. - Feature: added spif:walkObjects to walk up tree structures until a condition is met. - Feature: added spif:isReadOnlyTriple. - Bug fix: SPIN inferencing and constraint checking with ?this in deeply nested elements. - Change: Re-engineered SPIN engine may impact speed of execution of rules with ?this in nested structure. - Bug fix: SPIN rules with INSERT and DELETE commands sometimes did not bind ?this correctly. - Bug fix: OWL 2 RL SPIN ontology had an error in a QCR rule. - Bug fix: OWL 2 RL SPIN ontology had an extra line in cls-hv1. - Bug fix: OWL 2 RL SPIN now supports OWL property chains of arbitrary length. - Bug fix: SPIN ARQ functions sometimes were not able to access named graphs from non-standard datasets, e.g. when called inside of the SWP engine. - Bug fix: SPIN functions and magic properties with a spin:body were sometimes mapped to wrong namespace prefixes (if there were conflicts). - Change: SPIN RDF syntax no longer attempts to reuse blank nodes for variables within the same expression tree. SPARQLMotion - Feature: Most SPARQLMotion modules can be used directly inside of SWP. - Feature: Enhanced documentation of SPARQLMotion debugger. - Change: sml:ConvertXMLToRDF moved to SPARQLMotion core library. - Change: sml:ConvertTextToRDF now uses sml:Turtle as default serialization. - Bug fix: sml:ConvertXMLToRDF (Semantic XML importer) sometimes modified the input graph(s). - Bug fix: sml:ExportToRDF did not recognize TopBraid-specific file extensions such as .xls. - Dropped: Undocumented modules sml:OpenSDBStore and sml:CloseSDBStore are dropped. SPARQL Web Pages (UISPIN) - Feature: HTML editor now automatically registered for .swp files. - Feature: Is is now possible to use {= ... } expressions anywhere inside of attribute values. - Feature: Added ui:xmlns to declare an xmlns element for a namespace. - Feature: Added ui:dynamicView, a control element where the element (tag) isn't fixed. - Feature: Added ui:args="*" as a short-cut to pass multiple missing arguments from the surrounding scope. This can significantly improve readability. - Feature: Added default: namespace similar to let: but values will be automatically passed into the prototypes of all children. - Feature: Added ui:overrides to make it possible for user-defined classes to replace the prototype of an existing element class. - Feature: Added ui:separator to place a string between each iteration in ui:forEach. - Feature: Added ui:private flag to mark elements that should not be used outside. - Feature: Added ability to set context variables that are also visible in embedded prototypes etc, using ui:setContext and ui:contextValue(). - Feature: Generalized ui:param so that it also works for the uispin servlet. - Feature: Added ui:classView as a way of inserting a an ui:instanceView for no ?this. - Feature: Added a pure SWP library to conveniently create JSON output. - Feature: Added _viewClass option to uispin servlet and corresponding ui:viewClass property to ui:createLink. - Feature: Added function ui:currentQueryGraph to get the URI of the current query graph. - Feature: * in ui:matchIds stands for the default view (no ui:id). - Feature: Added ui:loadable as a way to declare parts of a view that can be reloaded using Ajax. - Feature: Added _cache option to UISPIN servlet(s). - Feature: Added system variables ?thisNode and ?thisParent for meta-queries on the SWP document itself. - Feature: Added mechanism to embed SPARQLMotion modules directly into SWP scripts. - Feature: SWP engine now handles infinite recursion by stopping at depth 100. - Feature: The labels returned by ui:label are selected by matching languages. - Feature: Cleaned up and generalized concept of insertion points. - Change: ui:insert is often no longer needed. - Change: The system no longer automatically adds a link to a CSS file with the same name as the SWP file. - Change: The labels returned by ui:label for resources are no longer unique by default. - Change: The labels returned by ui:label are based on skos:prefLabel or other rdfs:label. - Change: swp servlet now preferred alias to uispin servlet - please migrate. - Change: swp/uispin servlet now always uses UTF-8 encoding in response header. - Bug fix: RDFa generation tui views failed when there were properties without a namespace prefix. - Bug fix: ui:call did not always find the body of templates. - Bug fix: XML renderer sometime swallowed up the {= } around constants, even if the valueType of the argument was different from the constant value. - Bug fix: ui:escapeJSON did not correctly escape some characters. TopBraid Live Flex SDK - Feature: Function TBComponent.updateBusy() (de)activates the busy spinner. - Faster: Multiple count listeners for the same triple match.